I'm about to CLOCK OUT!

edited September 2012 in Health
Since Monday morning the kids have taken turns puking all night/day...now it's turned into DIARRHEA!!! I can't begin to tell you how many loads of bedding I've washed this week. So far 6 of the 8 kids at home have had it.

And the poor kids don't mean to, but some of them just don't understand that you should at the very LEAST puke in the bowl...not the floor, not your bed, etc.

...and my 7 year old had the freaking diarrhea in his pants in bed and it went through to the mattress, then he tried to HIDE it by putting his clothes in the BOTTOM of the bathroom clothes hamper!!! UGH!! So when we were sorting laundry today it got thrown onto the floor where the 1 year old almost crawled right into it!!

On top of all this my hubby has had a cold (men are babies) and we are in the middle of our BUSIEST time of year for our business. Major stress with quotes, getting new jobs and scheduling work.

HELP!!! I have to remember, this too shall pass. Lol


  • Oh wow, you are one busy momma! Hope everyone gets to feeling better fast and you get a break soon.
  • That's a lot going on Hope everyone gets well soon.
  • Sounds like they are spreading around something viral, like rotovirus -- poor babies! Make sure they are staying hydrated and drinking either pedialyte or gatorade to replenish their electrolytes.

    I would also have them was their hands occasionally and go through and disinfect all door handles, light switches and anything that is touched often by your kids (i.e. remotes, games etc.), as it will help contain it. Although, it sounds like its made its rounds already.
  • I just wonder if they can pass it again, or if once they all get it it's done? @mijita

    I hope it's DONE! I haven't got to the gym once this week! :(

    And thank you, @everyone
  • Yes, it is possible. That is why you need to be extremely diligent with disinfecting. The virus are very stable without a host and survive on surfaces. You also shouldn't allow your children contact with others for up to 48 hours after all symptoms have subsided. It's the best prevention of spreading, although the virus can remain a host for up to 2 weeks in the gut.

    You most definitely have your hands full!
  • Ok, thank you @mijita . I hope they're symptom free tomorrow so I can get to the gym by Monday! :)
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