so dh & i got into an argument this morning because i told my uncle he was awake.hes supposed to help him move because my uncle has kidney stones & cant dh owes him money & a lil bit was knocked off the debt.anyways while he was on the phone he was flicking me off then after the phone call he kept telling me stfu and called me a stupid F*** then he woke up my sick cranky 11 month old and said if he has to get up i do.ive told him many times that when he tells me stfu its disrespectful and hurts.he doesn't think its a big deal,then i tell him im already unhappy and hes makin it easy to leave,im still trying to figure out if its me im unhappy with or us but shit like that convinces me its i wrong or is the way he talks to me "petty" as he would say
Btw thank you for saying that sometimes I feel like I just post and but no one really pays attention lol I mean people comment but its nice to no there is someone who actually followed!
@nikki2690 day by day,im not making anymore promises i told him a couple weeks ago i know somewhere in my heart forever isn't an option for us
oh yeah i dont always comment but i know whats up lol i think i was worse then u with picking out everything so early lol
Of course this is all my opinion, and of course its easier to say than do. Sorry for the novel! Lol. Wishing you the best love!
To the OP Hunny he doesn't respect, and sounds like he never will. Is that the type of role model you want for your kids?
i agree with all of u ladies neither of us had good examples and now were repeating it he thinks words dont hurt and he fails to comprehend no matter hpw petty it is its still disrespect n it does not scared of leaving im scared of starting over i work one day a week and have no money my car is almost done for plus he uses it for work cuz he dont have trying to get back on my feet so that i could walk out whenever i want without worrying how am i gonna pay for this or that