Four Lies About Marijuana

Lie #1) Marijuana’s not really medical. The government says so!

Marijuana is a Schedule I drug… a high potential for abuse or dependency… no accepted medical value… unsafe to use, even under medical supervision. [M]arijuana has not passed the rigid scrutiny of medicine proposed by the FDA.

The Truth

National Institutes of Drug Abuse (NIDA) puts the lifetime dependence rate on cannabis at 9%, same as caffeine. Alcohol has a 15% rate of abuse and Tobacco’s is 32%.
One third of federal jurisdictions (16 states and DC) accept the medical value of cannabis.
The federal government is supplying four Americans with this “unsafe” medicinewith no medical supervision.
Cannabis has been used medically for 5,000 without a single human death – far greater safety standard than an FDA that approved phen-fen and Vioxx.

Lie #2) Marijuana smoke is much worse than cigarette smoke!

[S]moked marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals, many of which are identical to the most harmful chemicals and carcinogens found in cigarette smoke. The fact is that a marijuana cigarette contains four times as much tar as a tobacco cigarette.

The Truth

My pencil contains graphite and wood, which are identical to the graphite found in golf clubs and the wood found in golf tees. This does not make my pencil a golf club or golf tee. Water contains two flammable elements, hydrogen and oxygen. This does not make water flammable. Many recipes call for the same ingredients; it’s how you put them together that matters. Joints aren’t cigarettes, they’re far safer than that.
Dr. Donald Tashkin went looking for that “marijuana causes cancer” connection and found quite the opposite, that cannabis smokers had lower incidence of head, neck, and lung cancer. We even have compelling evidence that cannabinoids may be instrumental in unlocking the cure for cancer.
Very few tokers smoke 20 to 40 joints a day, but even if they did, where are these marijuana smokers with the tar-ravaged lungs filling up our hospitals? Again we have zero recorded deaths from cannabis smoking and over 400,000 annual deaths from tobacco use. Joints aren’t cigarettes.

Lie #3) Marijuana is the gateway drug to cocaine, meth, and heroin!

Legalizing marijuana leads to the use of more dangerous and harmful drugs, such as cocaine and methamphetamine…. Teens who smoke marijuana were found to be 85 times more likely to use cocaine than those teens who do not smoke marijuana.

The Truth

That same Institute of Medicine report Mr. Summerill referenced in Lie #2 said, “There is no conclusive evidence that the drug effects of marijuana are causally linked to the subsequent abuse of other illicit drugs.”
According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 100 million American adults have tried cannabis. There are currently about 1.5 million monthly cocaine users, 430 thousand monthly meth users, and 192 thousand monthly heroin users. So for every 46 people who’ve tried pot, only one went on to be a monthly hard drug user. A gateway that only affects 2.1% of the people isn’t much of a gateway.

Lie #4) Marijuana legalization leads to carnage on the highways!

Marijuana use, including its use for medicinal purposes, is directly related to motor vehicle accidents and reckless driving, as cannabis affects psychomotor functioning.

In a study of fatally injured drivers in Washington state, a state with legalized medical marijuana, about one every eight tested positive for marijuana.

The Truth

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has said of marijuana testing of drivers, “It is inadvisable to try and predict effects based on blood THC concentrations alone, and currently impossible to predict specific effects based on THC-COOH concentrations” because “[d]etection time is well past the window of intoxication and impairment.” Finding pot in some drivers’ systems following a crash just tells you some people smoke pot.
From 2008-2009, fatal crashes in the states that had medical marijuana declined overall 9.34%. Only one medical marijuana state, Rhode Island, had an increase greater than 3%, which resulted in 18 more deaths. Four other states had 1%-3% increases, leading to 9 additional deaths. Of the remaining eight states that saw declines, half saw double-digit declines, including the laxest medical marijuana state, California, which had 353 fewer traffic fatalities.
Legalizing marijuana does not legalize DUI. People who smoke pot and drive now are busted in all fifty states and legalization doesn’t change that.


  • Lol! Interesting. I am a firm believer in not being under the influence of anything while driving. When marijuana is legalized, it should have the same rules as alcohol in regards to driving, work etc.
  • I saw that docu too.
  • I saw it too. But i think people will abuse the priviledge. I mean, alcohol is legal and we have so many drunk drivers on the road and tons of accidents happen everyday bc of it I'm sure marijuana would just add to the deaths. I do believe marijuana helps in a lot of ways (medically) =/
  • Do you really think that @salasmommy? Statistics show otherwise in the places where marijuana is legalized. In those places, marijuana usage is also lower in adolescents than here.
  • I dont believe that documentry. I have personally drive stoned before (no I dont think its right and I would never do it again) but I was not out of control I was actually more foucesed on driving. I do believe marijunna has many positive medical purposes. And like you said pills are way worse I have experianced both myself and would rather smoke a joint then take any pills ever again. (i have endometriosis.)
  • @mom2ing I saw that same documentary (I think it might have been a nightline special). The fourth person was on heroin...and she performed the BEST on the first two driving courses!!! The pot smoker had severely delayed reaction time.
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  • edited September 2012
    The only thing I have to say is I don't understand why we need any of these things in our life? It's obviously not needed for our survival therefore we ain't need it at all. And we should all including myself and enjoy what we do have and the things that are healthy and have no hard to our bodies or the around us. It may be better then smoking cigarette but what's even better is to not put any of that into our bodies period. Oh and I am hoping I don't come off rude to anyone we are all free to our opinion and I guess that's how I see it especially now that I am a mother :) And a lot of these opinions are very helpful to open up my eyes and be less judgmental.
  • Exactly @jules

    Personally idc who does what. I dont smoke. I barely drink. I've never smoked weed. They can put it in their bodies, legally or not, but its not going in mine.
  • If you are getting a high off of something you are abusing it IMO.

    I'm not for drugs period.
  • @mom2ing I asked bf (who has THE BEST memory for random useless stuff...yet forgets to give our kids a bath....) about the documentary. He reminded me that it was called "Your Body on Drugs", hosted by Robin Williams, originally aired on the science channel and was re-aired on the discovery channel (*sigh* bf has a lot of wasted intellectual potential...)
  • I think that the documentary is inaccurate. It does not address how much of the drug the individuals are taking, account for their tolerance (all mind altering drugs acquire bodily tolerance after a certain point- especially heroin which could explain the best performing one). That would be like giving someone who's only taken vicodin once or twice a couple pills and giving someone that has taken it for two years straight the same amount and then say that #1 drove inaccuratey and recklessly. Too many outside factors for that documentary to sway my beliefs.

    @jules, I see your point of view, however, cigarettes and alcohol have no health usages for them. With the exception of wine, beer for breastmilk, etc. Marijuana has a plethora of benefits as it decreases occurance of cancer, studies have shown in a rastafarian tribe that mothers who used during pregnancy and breastfeeding's children had higher IQ and less sickness rates than american mothers. There is no debate about the health benefits of marijuana as it is a proven fact. Less than 1% of users use it on a daily basis for recreational benefits. It is proven helpful for nausea, cancer, weight loss, anxiety, antidepressant values and hundreds of others. Someone taking antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti anxiety medications are damaging their bodies more than the one who uses marijuana for these benefits. So, no, it's not needed for survival, but neither is pain medication, anxiety meds or anti depressants. It all boils down to what poisons you want inside of your body. When one decides to forego those and use a natural herb to help their problem that doesn't damage their kidneys and liver, I can't fault them for it :)
  • And if someone is using it strictly recreational on occasion, before bed, etc, more power to them. If it doesn't interfere with their daily life, no harm no foul. Just as any social drinker. Anything can be addictive. TV, computer, video games, partying. The reasons for illegality of marijuana are moot.

    If you look back into the history of why marijuana became illegal, all of those reasons have since been proven false. What holds our country back is the social stigma. The thought and indoctrination of our government that caffeine, alcohol, sugar etc are "acceptable" addictions and marijuana is placed into an "illicit" drug category being compared to heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines.
  • Ahhh, ok. I actually think I watched this once @mom2ing. But it doesn't surprise me that the heroin user did the best. There are very many high functioning addicts out there. We have the image in our minds of some dirty, track mark ridden addicts halfways falling over in the street. Shaking, itching, acne, crazy hair. What's funny is the majority of addicts I have encountered are doctors, nurses, that man in the suit driving next to you that just shot up heroin. That soccer mom at the game that went into the bathroom and did four lines of coke. You'd be surprised :)
  • all I know is I smoke every day and have for the past few years. I still go to the doc and no signs of concern. my son is a very smart boy. he's bilingual and knows how to do so much it shocks me. I have a very nice paying job which allows my hubs stay at home. everyone is different not all druggies living on the streets. it's unfortunate that the losers who act stupid make us all look bad. I'm a great mom and my husband an amazing dad.
  • Yes @mom2ing. It can never last forever. Once their tolerance gets up there, so does the cost and eventually they will be destroyed. I haven't seen anyone's life ruined by marijuana, with the exception of the ones addicted to it. I don't fault marijuana, but an addictive personality that would have become addicted to anything, as marijuana is not addictive. Not physically like heroin and other hard drugs (opiates) and meth.
  • @dra765, I know very many people and mothers like you. It does not interfere with their lives at all.
  • edited September 2012
    As for lung cancer and damage, it has been proven that marijuana does not cause any of that. It actually reduces the occurance of lung cancer, lung nodules etc.

    The man that had lung issues may not have smoked, but do you know for a fact that he wasn't around secondhand smoke as a child? Ever worked in a bar? Went out every weekend or every other weekend back when smoking was allowed indoors? Had a parent that smoked as a child? Etc. Just curious if they addressed that because it has been proven that the lung damage from marijuana is a myth.
  • me too. half my co workers are like me lol no one ever asks me if I'm high bc I know how to control myself. honestly it makes me nicer and probably the reason I'm in my position in the first place
  • Have you ever seen the episode on the Tyra Show called "Soccer Mom Stoners"? @dra765.
    I do not smoke, I didn't like the way it made me feel. However, once you are a long term smoker, it does not effect you the way it does a newb. You can be completely functional because you are not effected in a large way.
  • @mom2ing, I think it can have an effect. Say a teenager that decides to start smoking daily. Gets lazy, doesn't think they need to do anything with themselves. Even when legalized, I don't think a teenager has any business smoking marijuana, just as they should not be smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol. I think you need to be mature enough to have an understanding and concept of the decisions you make. :)
  • (went off topic with that one. I can see the debate for marijuana "ruining" someone's life, I just meant that it has to do with a lack of motivation, etc.)
  • I just figured someone would bring that up, so addressed it first ;)
  • I had a friend in nursing school with ADD and dyslexia. She smoked marijuana daily and was the top grade in the glass. When she stopped in order to pass a drug test, her grades dropped drastically due to the inability to concentrate, etc. @mom2ing.
  • no I didn't but that is an interesting title lol I remember with my first son I stopped smoking and a few months after birth I smoked a bowl and man I was in another world. but now I'm back to the way I was. reef just puts me in a relaxed mood but I've never been in a car accident my whole life or been arrested. it really doesn't affect a long term smoker as much n its not like other drugs where you just use more. most smokers just smoke a bowl and go about our business.
  • @captivated yeah i really do. I really do believe it helps medically and I'm not one of those control freaks i used to smoke weed before i had my sons as a teen (hasnt everyone) but it really is something we would have to see to believe its just scary to see what could be caused by it. With alcohol tons of people abuse the privilege I dont think it would be any different with marijuana just my opinion.
  • I respect your opinion @salasmommy. I was just curious :)
  • For the record, I do not smoke either.
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