im failing *update*

edited October 2012 in Breastfeeding
my lo feeds on demand. She eats on both sides for nearly 45 minutes each. After her feelings she still seems hungry. We have been having to So give her 2 oz of formula from the doctor. I can't feed my baby. What am i supposed to do? I am already dealing with me crying all the time. I am starting to hate myself.


  • I just read another thread that said to eat raw almonds and increase water intake
  • After she is done eating, i still leak milk. Idk what's going on. Am i not letting her stay on long enough. She feeds for almost 2 hours. Every hour or so. I just want to cry. @steph_due_101611
  • Try switch feeding. Feed for 5-10 on one side, switch to the other. 5-10 there. Switch back and forth. Give the milk more time to come down. Burp her in between sides
  • ^^^This does help! And I'm the one who almost made myself sick on the damn almonds, but it really helped! Do NOT be upset with yourself! I'm going through the same thing, but I learned there is only so much you can do to help the milk. As long as your baby is fed whether by formula or breastmilk- then you are one badass mama! Don't get discouraged!
  • Breastfeeding isn't easy. I struggled sooo much in the beginning. I thought you just had a baby and they just ate. I felt like a failure because my son wouldn't latch. Don't beat yourself up over it. As long as your baby gets fed then you're doing great.
  • that's how babies eat at first. don't be concerned unless lo isn't gaining weight. if milk is coming out and lo is swallowing, they're fine. eventually things will even out and they'll get an easier schedule. don't panic you're doing great!
  • Update. At her 2 week check up she wasn't back to birth weight yet. She now i got prescribed a hospital grade pump for awhile. She was then i pump. Her eaten seems to dry me out tho. Not much comes when i pump. So she was both boob and then a bottle. I kinda hate it.
  • You usually only produce what your baby is eating. Keep pumping after every meal and you'll notice a gradual increase in your supply. Don't give up just yet.
  • I had an issue with supply and supplemented with blessed thistle and fenugreek, 3 pills 3 times daily. I noticed an increase in a little less than two weeks. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and not skipping any meals.
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