how much is too much?

edited September 2012 in Babies
is it.possible for a baby/ toddler to drink too much juice? my little one is 15 1/2 months old and some days he seems to drink loads! the other day he drank 3 bottles of baby juice, a cup of squash some water and then 8oz of milk is this too much? should i be worried?


  • edited September 2012
    I would be concerned that the juice is filing him and that he's not getting adequate nutrition. How are his eating habits? I personally think that is too much juice, which can wreck havoc on his teeth.
  • he eats fine! has three meals a day and plenty of snacks in between! how much juice should he have? its not always juice hes loves water too but my concern is that hes just thirsty all the time?!
  • I've read no more than 4-6oz of juice a day. Plus all that juice is bad for his teeth.
  • I wouldn't give that much juice either, it probably tastes good so he likes it, I would only offer milk or water
  • Increased thirst is a sign of diabetes, not trying to worry you but maybe bring it up at the next doctors apt. My oldest drank tons of juice and water and was a poor eater. We stopped the drinking but he still wouldn't eat more. He had testing done and nothing found, he just loves to drink and not eat much. He is a healthy four year old though and has good teeth, just be sure to def brush a lot and nothing but water before bed.
  • @everyone thanks! he brushes his teeth twice a day! he drinks water too or the diluted baby juice and then milk before bed! i know too much juice isnt good for his teeth, but my major concern was that its a sign of diabetes! today hes drunk two little bottles of water one bottle of h20 water then 8oz of milk hes done three super wet nappies and hes eaten loads! he eats a good breakfast then usually a sandwich or somethin on toast for lunch then a cooked tea! he has snacks in the day which are usually fruit, grapes, rasins, nectarines and occasionally he will have like cheese crackers. i think im gonna either ring the docs tomorrow or give my health visitor a ring and see what they say!
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  • Juice is empty calories and should not be given more than what the other ladies said. They need their daily allowance of fruits in actual fruits and not juice :)
  • edited September 2012
    Sugar will cause your LO to urinate more because it draws fluids out of the tissues, it will also make him more thirsty for this reason. I really doubt your son would get diabetes this young, unless it was type I, which is an entirely different issue not related to diet. I wouldn't worry too much, especially since he's eating. I would give less juice if I were you.
  • I only give Malia water, somtimes milk. Otherwise she gets boob.

    Wic told me about 2oz twice a day.
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  • I was worried about my daughter drinking too much, too and when I asked her doctor, he said no more than 30 oz of fluid a day, mostly milk and water. But my daughter hates just plain water, so I put a little juice in it.. where its mostly water, with a little flavor to it.
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