frozen milk question
I have frozen milk from Dec at my parents in their deep freezer. I know I have read its good from 6m to a year frozen that way. But is it still good to use? My lo will be 11 months on the 8th of Oct. I will be bringing it home into my normal freezer and using it slowly as I'm trying to cut out nursing sessions. I have milk from July/august that will be going in the deep freezer until I need it. I used up all of march, april, may, and junes because I didn't pump very often only 2x a week then. So is it safe to use and also safe to freeze in a regular freezer after being in a deep freezer for about 9 months or so?
@caroline8_p I think I will otherwise I will have wasted tons of milk and hopefully it will be ok to use. If not, oh well, at least I'm not out any money. I wouldn't even know who to call for that sort of thing?
@leviluv8 hmm..I've never heard of that before? Hopefully that's not the case.
@caroline8_p thanks I will. My step mom is a social worker so ill ask her if it doesn't work out for us.
@caroline8_p thanks!