mucous plug question

edited September 2012 in Third Trimester
This is my 2nd pregnancy, and with my first son I didn't loose my plug, so I was wondering is all mucous plugs bloody or can it be just a lot of mucous?


  • @mommytobe20 thank you! I didn't know and I just had a lot of mucous come out from no where so I was wondering if tht could have been my plug
  • There is a difference between a mucous plug and bloody show. Mucous plug doesn't indicate labor and can be green, yellow, brown, blood tinged

    A bloody show is bright red and pink and often indicates imminent labor.
  • I made a post way back with pictures of each. Lol!
  • People seem to think the mucus plug and bloody show are the same thing. It is NOT the same will know the difference when you see it lol. I should've taken pictures of both of mine lol
  • @captivated and @CristinaLynn how do you know the difference? I know apparently one is with mucous and one is with blood, but like I said I never had any of this with my first pregnancy.
  • Your bloody show will look like someone was murdered down there. Mucous plug is booger looking.
  • Mucus plug is very snot looking. It's slimy and sometimes thick. It can be tinged with blood. Pink or red. The bloody show is mostly all blood. It looks like a blob of strawberry jelly lol. You can lose your mucus plug and still not be anywhere near labor and birth. But if you lose your bloody show labor is in the next 24 hours indefinitely.
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