should I talk to the dr....

edited October 2012 in Babies
Jack doesn't sleep. I have been up with him ALL night. I've tried rocking him to sleep, bringing him in my bed, and even giving him a bottle. He will fall asleep for a max of 1 hour after the bottle and only 5mins after rocking or in my bed. I'm so tired, I'm sick, and my husband is being an a$$. I don't know what to do. Should I talk to his Dr and see if they can figure out what's going on?


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  • @Mama_Kat thanks I'll call today. He was screaming all night. we got maybe 2 hours of sleep all night. Even when I was holding him he was screaming. I don't know what was wrong.
  • Dr appt at 10! hopefully they can figure something out. These drs are usually worthless
  • He may have an ear infection. Poor baby! And mama! My little one just did this for two.nights in a row and we took her to the doctor and she has a left ear infection.. :( I felt so bad because I thought that maybe it was teething. I hope you and your little man can get some sleep tonight, :)
  • @mommy_three85 he has a bad ear infection in both ears
  • :( poor baby!! At least now you know what it is and can fix it for him! Good luck, hope he feels better!!
  • Poor Jack! But the medicine they give for that starts working so fast, usually. My son had horrible ear infections from about 2-3 years old. They're a nightmare. I'm happy they found a problem so he can start feeling better.
  • @coltensmamma @RTMommy thanks! I hope the medicine does work fast. I feel so bad for him. He's napping now, hopefully he will sleep for awhile...he needs it
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  • @Mama_Kat thanks for suggesting I take him! Connor only had 1 ear infection and he wasn't near this bad. I feel so bad that I was getting frustrated with Jack last night :(
  • Isaiah got his first ear infection too. He wasn't sleeping,eating,playing good at all. He was prescribe some antibiotics that giving once daily. It really seems to be helping him. He also has another cold.
  • @stephforever89 he eats fine still. They gave him antibiotics to take twice a day. He has a runny nose and little cough on top of the ear infections.
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  • I'm glad you took him in. its tough when we do not know the cause of their pain/crankiness . the antibiotics should have him feeling better in no time. you can also give him motrin for the pain too. Motrin helped my daughter once we found out that it was the ear infection.
  • @mommy_three85 yea, I asked the pharmacist if I could give him some. He's been asleep for well over an hour but will be getting lunch and meds as soon as he wakes up! I should be sleeping too, but I feel like I have to much to do :(
  • Oh I know that feeling! There are just not enough hours in a day lol.
  • Evie had a urinary infection a cpl months ago and literally screamed all night long for two nights. i eventually took her to the accident & emergency at 2am out of pure desperation. i felt awful as i raised my voice at her before i knew she was sick. i was sooo tired. Hope little man feels better Asap xx
  • Aw poor Jack! Hope he gets to feeling better quick and you both get some good rest tonight.
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