Teething help

edited October 2012 in Babies Health
My son is getting all four first molars and Tylenol and Advil aren't doing much for this. He's been crying a lot yesterday and today. It's breaking my heart. His dr doesn't recommend the teething tablets and he really won't eat. Any tips?


  • My son didnt like teething rings and tylenol really didnt help...I myself never tried the tablets...how old is your baby?
    I gave my son a popsicle to chew on, unopened
    Cold baby applesauce
    Ice in his baby cloth or sock and tied it up-let him chew on it
    Rubbing his gums with cold cloth
    Hope I helped some :-/ good luck

  • He's 14 months and his appetite sucks right now. I've tried so many cold foods. He will atleast drink milk, juice and water. The oragel seemed to help a little. I'm not sure why they don't recommend them but if they work I'm willing I try them. I hate seeing him in pain.
  • He never would use the teething rings but I'm gonna try that again.
  • Try to teething tablets. My lo is 15 months and is getting 2 of his bottom molars and is completely miserable!
  • I'm gonna get them tonight for sure. Thank I all for the help
  • So I bought the teething tablets and they did seem to help last night but my son woke up with a rash on his body. So I'm guessing it was from the tablets. My poor little guy. Gonna call the doc and see what I can do.
  • Which ones did you buy?
  • Ok well it wasn't the tablets. He has the hand foot mouth disease. My poor little guy.
  • Oh no poor thing :(.. Hope he feels better soon.
  • Thanks @jules me too it's been a rough couple days
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