bad reflux :(

edited October 2012 in Babies Health
I took baby in to see the dr today and they think she has reflux. She has been spitting up and throwing up lately. Her spit up is bubbly. She just screams and screams :( They gave her medicine but I am wondering if there is anything else I can do to make her more comfortable? I also have not been making a lot of milk lately cuz I am stressed and finding it hard to eat. I was thinking about supplementing with formula. I tried a can of similac advanced that I got from the hospital. Aubrey wanted nothing to do with it! I just picked up Gerber good start gentle just to see if she likes it any better. I am also wondering if maybe a soy based formula would be better on her tummy? or if I should try and pump what I can and mix it with the made formula? I feel so bad for her!


  • @BlessedTXMom It's so sad. I hate it. How long did it take for his to stop? I have been propping her up on her boppy and she seems to sleep better. She won't sleep on her back. She just rolls to her side. Poor baby :(
  • Omg 6 months!! Did you put him on any medicine? I hope what they gave me helps her.
  • Keegan had bad reflux problems. Started the medicine and her problem was completely gone by 3 months. The medicine helped tremendously! Allow baby to sit as straight as possible while eating. Idk why, but everyone suggests it and it helped a lot with Keegan
  • Burp very often, sit her up straighter when she eats, and feed her smaller servings more frequently.. my son has it bad, too, and my daughter went thru a little spell of it too.
  • edited October 2012
    @1stWoodsBaby; Most often babies with reflux issues have a faulty/immature gastroesophageal sphincter and having babies sit up after eating helps prevent the acids from coming back up into the esophagus that causes pain and discomfort.
  • The medicine won't stop the reflux but it'll help with the burning sesation that she may feel. Kaylee had it also starting at 3 months and lasted until she was 1.
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