will barium (sp?) make it hard to poop? **new question at top**

edited October 2012 in Babies Health
My son had a GI xray done yesterday, and he had that barium stuff for contrast. Yesterday and today he's been more fussy, and sounds like he's trying really hard to poop.. he's fine when he finally does poop, and his poop is really thick (not runny like normal newborn poop) chalky looking, and sticky. What can I do for him?

***so giving him a little water made it all better. If this becomes a problem because of his formula, how often can I give him water? I only give him an ounce. Any suggestions on different formulas that are good for helping spit up/reflux that might not cause the Constipation? He's on similac for spit up now.


  • How old is he? Fresh squeezed fruit juice will help him. Barium makes you bloated and generally in agony when trying to go.. Hope this is some help x
  • He's only a month old.
  • Yes it will. A glycerin children's fleet suppository will make him poop in about 20 min. They will have it at any pharmacy. Cut it in half and insert the rounded half in his rectum and pinch his cheeks together for a minute or two to allow it to dissolve before his sphincter pushes it out :)
  • @captivated I think his new formula (similac for spit up) is also making him Constipated (am I spelling that right?? It's not in my t9...), aside from the barium. Just one suppository won't help that, will it? Any advice on THAT issue?
  • Does anyone know what to do about Constipation? Will the suppository work for a while, or is it a one time thing? Any advice will help!!

    I'd like something all-natural if at all possible?
  • I think the suppositiory is only a one time thing. When my lo was that little and I thought she was having issues, doc told me just plain water..but only about 2oz. Since they don't need much. It also may take his tummy a while to adjust to the formula so maybe give it about a week and if he is still having trouble, then I'd call the doc.
  • @trixiesmom8 I started him out mixing it with regular formula half and half, because I knew it could cause this. I did that for about 2 days, and he's been on straight spit up formula for two days now. Plus the barium stuff didn't help any.. I thought you weren't supposed to give babies water? But if your doc told you..... how often should I do it?
  • @mom2ING he's only 1 month old, so no juice for him.
  • That's what I thought too, but I was up to trying anything. We only let her have about an ounce cause 2oz seemed like a lot and we only did it for about a day or two..she only took a couple gulps at a time. I gave her warm water so she would take it easier plus I have heard cold water can make their stomach cramp up.
  • @trixiesmom8 thanks, I guess I'm gonna try it tomorrow if he's not better. His poops seem to be loosening up a little bit and he wasn't as fussy the last time he went. If there isn't a major change by Friday, tho, I'm calling his doctor.
  • That's good. Hope he is back to normal soon!
  • @trixies mom8 he didn't get any better, and by last night, I was almost crying with him, he was in so much pain.. I finally decided to give him a little water and it helped. He's been doing good since last night, I just hope it isn't going to be a constant problem because of his formula, or if all of this was from that barium..
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