I found out at 18w. My doc didn't mind having me schedule one then, they usually do it around 20w. So when I got it done they said she was 80% sure it was a girl but she wanted me to come back in 2 weeks to make sure...she was right. I wasn't worried when she said she was only 80% sure. My doc said she has never been wrong the 17 years he had known her.
15 weeks she thought boy but admitted the baby's size and the interference made it difficult to be sure. Three weeks later baby girl revealed herself 2000%
At my clinic they don't do extra u/s unless its medically necessary. I had one at 9 to find my dd, then at 20w, found out he had something wrong worth a kidney so I did have 2 others after at like 26 & 30 or 30 & 34 can't remember. Sucked to wait til 20 but oh well! its just how my drs office works!
We paid for our 3D ultrasound. Hubby is military and we are stationed 5000 miles from our families, so it was the only way to share the pregnancy. Not one person from our families was able to visit and we didn't get to go home, so no one ever saw the bump with their own eyes.
This appointment I'll be 11 weeks 5 days..
Then my next one I'll be.. 15 or 16 Weeks depending on when I have
I'm praying they will do it then right before the holidays and not make me wait until December.
Idk when my next ultra sound is. I no its not this one coming up.
I want to no so bad lol