Shipping a Pet

Ok, my flight is booked through United. My dog's kennel is too big to fly with United out of any of the closest airports meaning within 2 1/2 hours. So drive300+ miles to Atlanta and pay 270 to ship him through United. Or pay 591.99 to ship him out of the airport 2 1/2 hours away?


  • you have to factor how much gas for the further one.. then decide.
  • Why cant he just fly as a passenger? Lol your gonna spend a ton in gas driving him to pay less to ship him. Tou need to calculate the costs of gas + shipping to determine the smarter route.
  • Arggh. This is why I didn't want a pet!! Most airlines stopped flights of animals into AK in sept (seasonal) now... wtf to do geesh
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  • @cetheridge Did you ask the airline if they can make an exception with proof of orders? Since your hubby is returning from deployment, perhaps his orders will be enough for the airline to get the dog on your plane.
  • @thehumancrockpot I wish we could we JUST bought him haha figures right? @misskristin they won't because they're not pcs orders. Airlines are a trip these days, when we pcs'd they wouldn't even discount my baggage because he wasn't traveling with me (him and our son drove up, I was pregnant) wasn't about makin a 5k mile trip in a jeep prego haha
  • Poor dog. He got hit by a truck, infront of our son!! His foot might be broke and def needs stitches. This damn dog is gonna be the death of me yet!
  • Oh goodness! :( I hope both are ok.
  • @Mijita They're both gonna be ok. After a huge vet bill, staples, drain tubes (no broken bones atleast) Ares is back home and the beast has figured out his lil buddy's gonna make it after all. Watch, I go through all this and he'll end up hating my husband when he meets him haha
  • Roflmaoooo!! Oh gawd, that last sentence made me LAUGH!
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