8 months and...

edited October 2012 in Getting pregnant
Nothing! Me and my hubby have been trying for another lil one since my son was 4 months and hes 12 months now and still nothing. Is it too soon to ask for medical help?


  • I've gotten pg as early as 3 months after having a baby and as long as 3 years. So I'm not sure, it seems like I heard you have to wait a year. You could always call and ask. Have you tried following your cycles and seeing when you ovulate and everything?
  • edited October 2012
    If you are not of advanced maternal age, then they say to seek intervention after a year of trying. Are you sure you're timing ovulation correctly? I only ask because I ovulate early, at 11 days after LMP. I thought it was later.
  • Yeah ive followed everything. Ive noticed that my cycles r shorter than they were before i got pregnant. It only last 3 to 4 days now. Before it would last 5 to 7. My cycle comes every 30 days.
  • I can tell I'm ovulating because of my cervical mucus. Have you tried following and gauging by yours?
  • edited October 2012
    Im 25 ill be 26 next month. I use test strips and an ovulation calander and by change in cevical mucus/discharge. How do i know if its him or me or both. We got pregnant with our first right away an then it took 4 months with the second so both were pretty fast.
  • I'm going out on a limb with ideas here, but are you heavier weightwise now, then you were with the first two?
  • Yeah i went from 195 to 247 during my pregnancies combined but now im 212 and still losing. I even changed my eating habits so idk.
  • Losing a little more weight may make it happen. As we gain weight we produce more testosterone which interferes with fertility. Even as little as 5% loss from total body weight can help. That's about 11 pounds. You can do it.
  • I wanna lose at least 50 or 60 more! LoL. I just hope that helps.
  • The good news is that if you become pregnant while overweight, then you can actually go without a very big weight gain because you already have the maternal stores needed to support a growing fetus. You just have to practice good eating habits and incorporate physical activity.

    Do away with the notion that you have to eat for two, you don't, and even if you did the second body is so tiny it requires only a little extra nutrition.
  • Yeah i never believed that notion! Haha! My only issue is that i have a mild form of cerebral palsy so it makes it hard for me to do certian activities but i do what i can and that seems to be working!
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