
edited March 2011 in Pregnant


  • If it was canned light tuna it should be okay...
  • edited March 2011
    Tuna tends to be higher in mercury, and too much mercury can be bad. The packet my midwife gave me said that up to two small servings of tuna a week is ok.

    Even if you had eaten too much tuna, I don't think you immediately feel the effects. I believe the risk of too much mercury is brain damage.

    Call your doctor's office if the cramps are freaking you out. They will probably tell you it is okay.
  • thankyou i think im going to go ahead and call my doctor...
  • It's rare for doctors to suggest that it's unsafe to eat fish. They don't want to get in trouble. Researchers found that mercury levels are quite high in the larger fish like tuna (though it is present in others). The initial advice based on the findings is that women of child bearing age should not be eating.g fish. Naturally, the industry pulled out their lawyers and the advice was soon changed to: pregnant women should limit their intake. I believe it was one serving per week. However, anyone.e who knows anything about mercury knows that no amount is a safe amount
  • I ate/eat light tune all the time and I'm perfectly fine! and so is the baby :)
  • Mmmm Ive been craving tuna ive had quite a few tuna sandwhiches now im worried
  • It's tough when you're craving something potentially harmful! My advice is to try to quit while you can. Mercury can seriously harm your baby's brain. Of course I'm sure there are women who will go through their entire pregnancy without a problem - which h is the case with other harmful substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Heck, I know women who have used all kinds of illicit substances throughout their pregnancies and their babies appeared perfectly healthy. But we know what those things have the potential to do and should make every effort not to expose our wee ones
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