kicked the habit

edited October 2012 in Babies
Trixie no longer needs her pacifier. We haven't used it for about a month now...I just realized she hasn't been wanting/taking it. She will be 11 months old tomorrow(8th).


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  • Lol thanks @mama_kat its been nice not having to worry if we have one packed in the bag or not:-)
  • @blessedtxmom well I noticed she was starting to chew on it more than suck on it so we slowly started taking it out of the picture and slowly she started not even wanting it, if we did happen to give it to her she would just throw it instead. I don't think she was extremely attached to it, thank goodness!!
  • Thats awesome! Lily only wants it if she is tired but I dont see it going anywhere anytime soon.
  • I think I would take that rather than her napping in the how is that going by the way? @lilliansmom
  • That's great! Scarlett only uses hers to put herself to sleep which is not big deal to me. Hopefully one day she won't want it anymore. I've never even thought about it.
  • haha yeah well she has been doing very well with the crib for naps but i have more patience then my husband who usually has her during the day while im working and he usually gives up and puts her in the swing for her naps every once in a while but definitely better! How is it going for you? Can you believe our little girls are going to be 1 in a month!?!
  • Congrats! Savanah hasn't had one since about 5 months she mostly just chewed on the sides of it so I took it out of the picture early before it formed a bad habit and bottles have officially been fully it of the picture since the day she turned one but it was a little bit of a fight taking those away lol
  • @jules that's great. I wasn't either, but why give it to her when she really didn't want it anyways?
    @lilliansmom well that's good. She isn't doing overly well, we hadn't really tried to move her just yet, but one day she refused to go in it, but didn't want in her crib either, so she has been taking naps in her car seat *sigh* I tried to move her into the crib once she was asleep but that didn't work. I know! I can't believe its that time already!!
    @chelcie89 that's great! Yea, I think we will do the same with bottles, she only gets about 3 a day anyways.
  • Yah savanah was only gettin about 2 to 3 a day but it was a fight the first few days she wouldn't take a sippy cup at naptime she wanted her bottle but I didn't cave and she just got a cup and had to cry a little till she fell asleep but that only lasted like 2 days and she was fine at bedtime from the beginning which I thought was weird lol. And she only likes milk out of hard nipple sippy cups but will drink water or juice in any cup
  • @chelcie89 kids are odd! They know what they like and throw a fit otherwise.
  • I know what you're saying. That's why I don't force it I have Couple in the crib she can use them but doesn't have to sometimes she throws them all out then lays down so funny...
  • Yay Trixie!!
  • @jules lol funny!! If we left some in her crib, she would chew on them all night long and would never sleep lol.
    @aubreysmommy thanks. How is miss aubrey doing?
  • She is doing good for the most part we are running into some speed bumps :-\
  • @aubreysmommy awe! Well hopefully they don't last long and she is back to normal soon. If you have any questions or whatever you can always ask me here or on fb:-)
  • That would be funny but then very terrible once she gets cranky lol
  • @jules lol yea, but would mean no sleep for mommy and daddy either lol and I need at least a couple hours lol.
  • Exactly! Well I are like super women I couldn't go off a couple hours. But Scarlett has been sleeping through the night since 3 weeks. I can't imagine waking up still for her. I bet my next kid will m never sleep lol
  • Lol trixie slept through the night at 2 months and then at 6/7 months she was up every couple hours and now at 11 months we are back to sleeping through the night again which is great!! @jules
  • That's great! Sounds like she went through growth spurt... We got lucky lol.
  • Yepp I think she did cause all of the sudden she seemed bigger lol @jules
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