What to do?

edited October 2012 in Breastfeeding
Jackson is two months old today and slept through the night last night. It doesn't bother me since it was the weekend. Now I am wondering if I should set an alarm for a 1am feeding, especially during the week when I have to work so I can get in as much boob time as possible. I am finally getting a good pumping supply established (14+oz today after feeding him) and don't want it to decrease at all since I have been working so hard at it.


  • You could pump or hand express instead of breaking his sleep schedule. Just an idea
  • Definitely get up and pump if you're worried about supply, but let baby set his own sleep schedule. In 5-6 months you may regret messing with it. ;-)
  • I wouldn't wake the baby up let the schedule be. But if u are worried then get up and pump.
  • Definitely what the others said.
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  • Yepp don't wake him up, my lo started sleeping through the night then. But if you are concerned get up and pump.
  • Thank you all! I didn't even think about just getting up myself and pumping...you all are so smart! I will definitely do that!
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