Baby only usually wants stage 2 babyfood

edited October 2012 in Ages & Stages
My baby is so stuck on baby food and he will be one next week he doesnt seem to like any table food always spits out.... What do i do???


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  • My son will be one on Saturday and does the same thing! I'm trying not to stress it but I babysat a 9 month old the other day and she ate a whole grilled cheese sandwich and only has two teeth! Lol
  • My LO had a hard adjustment from stage 2 to 3. It was textures that affected her. Have you tried stage 3 foods to help with the transition?
  • My son is having a hard time with the stage 3 foods as well. He seems really upset by the texture. He will eat table food but only if it's cut into microscopic pieces lol.
  • I was really freaking out a few weeks ago because my baby wasn't eating at all. He would only eat some yogurt and baby puffs, this went on for weeks I was so worried I kept taking him to different doctors, and they all said he is fine, he will eat when he is hungry. Well something made me decide to try stage 2&3 baby food and he ate it all. I found out it was texture, before I was giving him all table food and he did the same thing and spit it out. So I brought out my baby bullet and pureed all his food. There are different levels on it for consistency. Best invention ever. Oh and my lo is 13 months. They are all different as you know. But maybe try starting at o.e consistency and moving slowly up. Hope it helps!
  • She doesn't eat a whole thing of stage 2 so I am worried she won't even want stage 3 so we haven't tried many only a couple of jars. There are so much more in the jars then the containers. I guess next time I go buy her food, ill be getting stage 3 to get her use to the I know why she hasn't been interested in table foods.
  • Serve her portion in a bowl so the other food can be used later. It's good for up to 3 days.
  • It's okay if they get stuck on a stage if food. My daughter is 14 months and she will not eat anything with chunks. I talked to dr about it he said some baby's are sensitive to texture. He said to just keep offering it and one day she'll just eat it. The only thing we can get her to eat is teething cookies, an even those if she bites a piece off she'll spit it out. Just keep trying.
  • Jacey will be 15 months in a couple weeks, he never liked any baby food, by 11 months he was on 100% table food.. And he's got 12 teeth so him chewing is definitely not an issue lol
  • I never thought of doing that @mijita
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