ah i think i spoiled my baby o_O

edited October 2012 in Babies
Aubrey has. Been wanting to co sleep with me I was so tired when she was sick with thrush that I kinda had her in bed with me (safely oof course nothing to obstruct her air way) and we naped for a good hour like that well now her thrush came back and I am picking up her script today because they had to order it yesterday that ultra voilet stuff and last night she did not want to lleave my side I let her fall asleep in my bed ( I was awake) and as soon. As I moved her she woke up screaming bloddy murder o_O picked her up and she fell asllep on my chest laid her down and she started doing it again. She was being so good with her crib and now its changed all of a sudden :-\ I love her and snuggling with her but I would like to sleep alone in my bed without the fear of her being in there with me cause she is so tiny :-\


  • She probably just wants mommy snuggles because she doesn't feel good.. she's not spoiled, yet, she's too young.
  • Aww maybe she just feels awful and wants you to snuggle with her?
  • Awe hun, she just doesn't feel well and wants her mommy. Hopefully when she is over this she will go back to sleeping well and in her own bed.
  • Hun she's not spoiled just yet :) she's only betting like this cause she's finding you comforting when she's not feeling well...
  • I hate ohio now my poor baby has a cold on top of thrush :-( and I am using the gential violet so she looks like an ink pen exploded in her mouth. Anyone else co sleep while baby was sick and able to get him/her back to the crib because I forsee a long period of time of her wanting to co sleep with me to be close. On a side note she hates having being laided down when I have to change her diaper and make her bottle :-( it makes me feel so sad cause she makes these pittiful crys that break my heart :-(
  • my baby had thrush its not that hard to get rid of
  • but it does suck though when their sick....hope she feels better
  • edited October 2012
    Hope she feels better, she shouldn't be spoiled yet. Just give her all the love and comforting she's asking for right now then when she's feeling better put her in the Asia
  • Oh gosh ! Don't send her to Asia lol ! I meant to say crib :) stupid autocorrect!!
  • @aubreysmommy I hope she feels better soon!! Were in Ohio are you from?
  • @MommyLovesSparkle lol its okay i read crib as asia :P
    @char Dayton/vandaila area :)
  • I know its freaking cold outside!! I'm crossing my fingers trixie doesn't catch anything...teething and a cold probly wouldn't go well. I was going to suggest a bumbo while making her bottle, but since she is only like 6 weeks old that probly wouldn't work. Is she fussing only when you lay her flat? Maybe an ear infection? I hear that its a sign. Trixie had a double infection and we honestly didn't know she had it because she wasn't any more fussy than normal.
  • I am from columbus. Have you tried a cradle swing ( don't turn it on yet) but they lay back almost like a car seat or a bouncer. Those two things saved my sanity at that age, my lo had reflux.
  • @trixiesmom8 I have a boppy that she likes she was just at the doc on mon and they didn't see anyything in here ears but she has got the yellow boogies :-(
  • @char why can't she turn it on yet?

    Hmm..you would think if she had one they would've noticed it, that's what happened with beatrix at her 4 month apt. Maybe just lay her on the boppy instead of flat while making her bottle?
  • @trixiesmom8 Her little one is only 6 weeks I was told not to swing until they could support their head enough to keep it stable.
  • @char hmm...I didn't know that. We used our swing when our lo was little. I can't remember exactly when put it together but it was around 6 weeks I think. I had never heard that before.
  • But our swing went back and forth not side to side.
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