how can I

edited October 2012 in Babies
How can I stop my little girl from kicking me every second she gets? Idk what had gotten into her she is a really nice baby but for some reason all she wants to do is kick me and hurt me. She is not even 1 yet and I an getting tired of it. Some one help me please


  • edited October 2012
    Turn it into a positive. She's getting your attention by doing so. You are reacting to her kicks, which she continues to do for attention. So, when she kicks start responding differently. For example, my LO started hitting me, especially in the face. At first I'd tell her, ”no” very firmly and she only thought it was funny and would do it more. Instead I started grabbing her hand and telling her in a gentle voice, ”be nice, like this.” Then I'd proceed to gently rub my face up and down with her hand. I would do that every time she would swat at me, which didn't last but about a week after I started doing that. Good luck!
  • She does it mostly at night when im completely out of it and I don't wake up with daddy
  • Put a pillow between you and her feet.
  • Thanks @Mijita I will try that
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