When do tantrums start??

My 11 month old just threw the biggest tantrum EVER today, it was insane. I have never seen him like this. He got sooo mad bcuz I was trying to change his diaper, he kept wiggling away and turning over and screaming for bloody murder than did the same thing as I was trying to get him ready for bed. I couldn't even get him dressed bcuz he was going bonkers and kept throwing himself back.

I feel like this is too early for this behavior, is it? Any advice?


  • My lo will be 11 months on the 10th and had been throwing fits for a few months. When he doesnt get his way he will start whining and face plant himself in the floor & absolutely hates getting dressed. He will wiggle, try to crawl away, kick off of you to throw himself backwards screamin. I have never seen anything like it in a child so small. My other two were almost 1 1/2 before they started to throw fits. I guess hes just advanced. Lol
  • My 11 month old is exactly the same! She screams till she turns red especially if one of my other kids is sitn on my lap i dont remember my others starting this early
  • My son will be 11 months the 10th and he is completely crazy lol
  • Mine just turned 12 months and recently started doing it. He can usually tell when I mean business though and will stop or I try to distract him.
  • It's pretty normal. My 11 month old is starting to do the same thing. I just sit her down on the floor and move a few feet away till she calms down. Then I either distract her with something or try again with what I was trying to do :-)
  • My son started having tantrums when he started walking at 10 1/2 months and they are just getting worse and louder he is 1 now. I noticed if I pay to much attention to it it gets worse so sometimes I ignore him if I had enough
  • Ooooooh thanks ladies! I feel a little better now. I was just shocked bcuz it seems to have started out of no where and I cannot believe how mad he was earlier...if this is how he is now, I'm terrified of the terrible twos!

  • Mines a year and been doing it, well, it seems like forever!!! LOL
  • McKinley is 16 months, and has been throwing tantrums since about 11 months. Luckily its not over everything, and often prompted by being tired, sick or hungry. But when she's just in a foul mood I hug her, not letting her leave my arms until she calms down. She gets worse at first, but will eventually relax as I talk to her and explain what she can't do and why. I know she's too young to understand what I'm saying but I think it helps her calm down when I'm talking calmly to her.
  • my daughter was like that when it came to changing her diaper and changing her clothes for the first month of her life....it was just annoying...
  • 11 months lol, its just so much fun...! NOT! I put her in time out for 2mins (time out is her high chair facing the wall or inside her play pen. I give her some of her toys to play with though. lol) I only do it so she can calm down and not go where there is danger anymore.
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