PPD screening question and some speed bumps going on :/

edited October 2012 in Babies
I apologize as this is going to be a long post!
So i have had to take Aubrey to the Doc's 3 times already ( she is only 5 weeks) the first time was for A check on her billribbion levels for her jandice the day we got out of the hospital , the next time was because she had gotten thrush and the 3rd time was a 1 month check up because she is tiny for a well baby work up. ( i'll get more in to the doct vists down futher) Every time I go there the give me this little questionair sheet to screen me for PPD ( waiting on insurance to come and its 54 dollors for 6 questions!) So I don't believe I have Ppd I dont feel different and for what i have gone thu the past 5 weeks i think I am doing pretty good adjusting! but they keep giving me this sheet and the same papers and brocures for PPD.. I guess i can see why they would think that i could be at risk ( i know all new moms are)
I had to have a C section after laboring for 24 hours because she was sunny side up, so she was born at gestional age 37 weeks and 4 days ( her pedi tells me that marks her as a border line premie baby ) then she had Jaundice that didnt seem so bad but the day we orignaly were going to leave the hospital i asked them just to run her blood work again to make sure i wasnt taking a sick baby home. ( she went from 10 to a 16 over night!) so we stayed a extra day making it 5 days in the hospital and she had to be under the photo therpy lights for a day, on top of that she wasnt strong enough to get enough breastmilk out so I had to pump to feed her with a little dropper :/ She started to get better jaw strengh a few days in the hospital but she lost 10% of her body weight so i had to give her formula, then I started to feel crappy coming out of the hospital i got out on a sunday and when wendays rolled around I had a 101.7 feaver so my obgyn told me to come in and see them, well i ended up getting a uterine infection and had to spend 2 1/2 days in the hospital ( lucky i was alowed to have my baby vist me!) and my mom and Aubrey came up every day i was there. ( i also had to have a Ct. and got pumped full of contrast and had to pump and dump for the next 48 hours) but i wasnt giving up on BF just yet, after that sort amount of time i was able to get her to BF and suplment for the next 3 days then i noticed she wasn't latching on and screaming when i tryed. And thats when She got her first round of thrush . So i took her to the doctor and the gave me nystatin for it. Well i followed as directed and not even 3 days later did it come back. ( at this point she refused to BF so she was just taking formula)
Went back on oct. 4th they weighed her and she was only 7 pounds 9 oz well on sept 28 she was 7 pounds 8 oz :(
so they instucted me to give her more calories she went from eating 3 ozs to 4 ozs shes only grown a quater of an inch since she was born and now they are having me rub her ankles and wiggle them around to encorage her to keep her feet staight :/ the is nothing wrong with her ankle bones its the ligments in her ankles and the left one is more turned in than the right. plus they are watching her weight closely and she even Squeezed me in next month because it is important to Aubreys Pedi that she sees up for her 2 month and possibly every month.
Overall i believe i am cooping well, i was a little defeated that she didn't breastfeed as long as i had hoped but i am happy she got the Colostrum and I got to experince BFing for a while, We just keep getting Stone walled by alot of stuff.
And now my poor baby has a cold I hope things turn around soon.

Like i said I do not feel depressed I am eating normaly, sleeping normaly as any new mom would and i enjoy activites i did before having her just dont have time to do it that offen.

And We have picked up co sleeping until she is feeling better because even in a dead sleep when i try to put her back in the crib she is not having it and will scream until i am holding her or in cross proxmity of her. So i am going to sleep with her secuirty blankets ( a minnie one and a cute little monkey one) so when she is feeling better i can have 1 at hand for her to help her transention back in her crib.

Phew i know this was long. :O but finally here is a question
How offen where you screened for PPD? I have taken 4 so far. The hospital gave me one and the pedtrictions office has made me do 3 so far -/-
@trixiesmom8 thought i would tag you because i mention i have been having a few speed bumps


  • I was never screened for PPD with either baby. I didn't know places even did that. Im sorry you and LO have been having such a rough time, but glad you are handling it well! Hope she starts to.pit on some weight for you soon.
  • @1stWoodsBaby Thank you i hope so too. I find it odd they keep screening me so much O.o they told me all new moms get screened... odd maybe the nurses lied to me
  • I was only asked once. That was after a month long hospital stay (overall) with preeclampsia, 36 week preemie, ended up on long term blood pressure meds, then we both ended up with pneumonia. And I actually had to go outside of my own dr when I called them specifically to tell them that I knew I had PPD and they couldn't squeeze me in.
  • edited October 2012
    They usually screen at your 6 week PP well visit. I think its an oversight of your OB, since you were seen a few times in a short period. PPF can manifest up to a year later, but is more common to manifest at about 3 months PP. Since the hospital is not affiliated with your physician you got it there too. It's part of a public health movement in trying to monitor and diagnose PPD. This post actually made me happy that your doctors office is being diligent about it. :)
  • @Mijita it is my daughters Doctors that keep giving me the PPD screening I understand that it is important to screen a new mom i just find it odd that they keep screening me, I am not sure if it has to do with how many times i have gone there in a short time or they just want to be very diligent with it. My Obgyn at my PP vist just asked me how i was feeling and coping and he signed off that i was well and able to go back to my reg. doctor. But the Childrens hospital nurses and Aubrey's Pedi are Very intrested in not only her But How I am coping and sleeping and feeling ( emotionaly , mentaly and physicaly)
  • May I ask if you are a single mom?
  • That is probably why. A new baby is a big adjustment, let alone doing it by yourself. I'd take it as a blessing and I'm very happy you're coping with all that is going on.
  • Do you have to pay it every time? Can you decline the testing? I was never screened. I'm sorry you have had so many issues. Things will get better.
  • I am not a single mom and EVERY visit I went to until my son was six months old I had to fill out the questionnaire! Lol. After awhile my husband just filled it out while I was taking care of the baby. I never felt high risk for it and I had a very similar birth story as you. Jaundice, 5 day hospital stay, phototherapy, pretty much tore from one end to the next and unable to urinate for six days ect. At first I was paranoid bc I had a complete freakout in the hospital bc I never got to talk to he same dr once. So I thought they marked me or something. However, later the pedi told me they make all mothers fill out the questionnaire til their infant is six months.

    So don't take it personal...I'm sure everyone who is going there is doing the same thing.
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