I cant bring myself to talk to my husband

edited October 2012 in Health
So for the last year or so I have been having TMI blood in my stool. I know I shouldn't have put it off sooo long and I know it was irresponsible to get pregnant again without having it looked at, but for so long I think I have been in denial that something could be wrong. Flash forward to today and lately I have been feeling pretty terrible. Not pregnant terrible but just terrible. I have had an upset stomach for upwards of three weeks now and pretty much everything I eat goes right through me. I have lost seven pounds since finding out I was pregnant and I wasn't large to begin with. (5'6 125pounds) I feel like today I was hit with reality hat there might really be something wrong with me (Colon Cancer) and I know there isn't much I can do but wait it out and have testing done when this baby is born. I have all of these fears, what if i die before this baby is born, or at any point?!?! My kids need me! I'm kicking myself for letting it go this long and know you guys can't really help much, I guess I just needed to get that out somewhere! Pray for me...


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  • I'm so sorry you've been going through this alone! Prayers coming your way. Maybe it's just irritable bowel syndrome or something manageable like that.
  • I'd still go see the doc and tell them about it. You don't want to sit on this for much longer. It could be something as little as internal hemorroids, but you won't know if you don't seek help. You have our support and can vent here...be brave and have it addressed. Hugs!
  • I agree with the ladies above, it may be for lots of reasons, but if it were me i would get the ball rolling as soon as possible. Hoping for the best for you honey xx
  • good luck! I hope it's nothing major! A friend of mine recently found out she has chrons disease. And I think she has blood in her stool!
  • My father in law,just went thru this. He had ulcers. Get it looked at!
  • I have hemorrhoids and have blood in my stool. Is it bright red or dark red?
  • My fiance had blood in his stool. It seny him into shock from losing too much blood. Twice. They found a small hemrhoid but still wanna check for chrone's disease. Get checked!! Good luck!
  • @everyone...sorry for the delay, just been nervous. So I went to the docs today and they seemed a little worried. They are thinking its something called colitis sp?... So tomm I have to go have a procedure called a sigmoidoscopy..which in lamens terms is.half of a colonoscopy WITHOUT the sedative..I'm terrified and have to do two edemas tomm morning. And I'm pregnant... I kept asking if they were sure this was safe while preggo and they keep reassuring me it is perfectly safe and will be okay...but internally I AM HAVING A HEART ATTACK! I've never even taken a damn tylenol in three pregnancies and now I'm having this...lord help me...NO SEDATION!!! LOL pray for me :)
  • I'd have opted for sedation, lol. And enemas are fine :)
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