Extreme dizziness & almost fainting!!

Is that an early pregnancy symptom?? At work nearly every five mins i had such extreme dizziness that i would literally lose my balance and have to sit down.. I eat pretty healthy, an d drink lots of water, i dont know what could be causing this? Did anyone else experience this in early pregnancy??


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  • My mom did experience that with all her pregnancies.
  • I had it with all three...one of the only symptoms I get, but I believe it is...mibe went away with all by about 8-9 weeks. Good luck!!
  • Well i hope its from a bfp! I went to the ER tonight because it got so bad i couldnt take it... They did blood work, urine test, a brain cat scan and an ekg and found nothing, they tested my urine to see if i was pg but it came back negative, im only 5 days past ovulation so i asked them to test my blood to see if i was pg and they said they wouldnt!? I was so mad...so i was sent home with a diagnoses of vertigo and no reason why!
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