GM diet detox?

edited October 2012 in Health
Anyone tried it? I have a girlfriend who did and she felt so much better after. @mijita I think your the resident nutritionist...what are your thoughts?

Here is info, abd how it works..


  • I am really interested in it to help me get over my junk food cravings. If I can go a week, I usually won't crave the junk's just a hard week!
  • edited October 2012
    Oh boy, where do I start!

    I post a nutrition fact daily on MyFitnessPal and I discussed the very thing you are interested in -- sugar. If you are interested I can copy and paste what I posted about sugar today.

    Now about this choice in diet. My personal opinion is, it's a waste of time. I always advise people to ask themselves one question when taking on a new diet endeavor...

    Can I do this for life?

    If the answer is NO, then it's but a good diet.

    First off, 95% of the weight you well lose is water weight. The diet is designed to help you lose retained water by restricting protein and fat. The first couple days you'll feel fatigued and even lethargic given the amount of sugars you'll be ingesting. You'll have to eat very often to feel sated and even then I don't think you will. During day 2 or 3 you'll become friends with the porcelin god. I say this because they have you eat all the bananas you can on day 4, along with milk. This is because they are trying to get you to replenish your electrolytes and minerals. Low levels of electrolytes can become dangerous -- red flag.

    I see numerous red flags and would never advise such a diet. It's too hard on the body. I do admit that this is a quick fix, but resume your normal eating habits after and you're back to square one.

    Instead opt to change the habits that are making you feel yucky. It takes about 3 days to detoxify from sugar and can experience withdraws, much like an addict, but once you detox your sugar cravings will subside.

    :) My opinion and I won't be terribly offended if you try it. If you do, I'd really like your feedback. I promise never to say,”I told you so.” :p
  • Thank you so much for your input @mijita ! I really respect your knowledge. I know this wont be a life time thing. No detox is. It's more to get me on track. I am still deciding if I am going to do it, but if I do I will keep you informed!
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