@captivated or anyone custody question!?
@captivated do you know anything about temporary custody? Me and bd got into a big fight about him leaving me and his daughter.. He is suppose to see her weds on his day off but after our fight I am scared that if I let her go with him he won't give her back. My mom said I should file emergency temporary custody until we have a parenting plan set up.. Do you have any idea if I file temp custody will I get it right away until the hearing for the parenting plan or will he have a chance to fight the temporary custody? I know you have been through a custody battle so I thought I'd ask you!
Temp custody hearing doesn't work like that and even those take a few weeks to a month to get a hearing. He still has to be served and has the chance to acquire a lawyer to fight you. if there is not a dire need for emergency hearing, such as alleged sexual abuse, prior parental kidnapping, physical abuse, etc, the judge is going to ram you into the ground.
Biggest thing during a custody battle is to portray yourself as totally compliant to allowing a relationship with the other parent. Withholding visitation without DOCUMENTED evidence, police reports, cps files, current felony charges, will- I cannot express this further-WILL hurt you.
If you are not married, in almost every state, you are already the assumed legal custodial parent. this means he cannot take off with her. If he does, he will have a warrant placed for his arrest. Be very careful about making drastic decisions. Courts do not favor mothers any further than fathers in this day. Especially when a father has been equally invovled in that child's life. Anything you say in court is a lie unless it is on paper or you have credible , first account witnesses.
@captivated @christinalynn I just don't know what to do
I was raised by my father alone. My mother had moved to California with me and he filed for custody in the original state. She could not afford to fly there and he got joint custody by default. At that time, California did not recognize the papers from another state, but he came to her house withmy grandpa, had my grandpa hold her against the wall and took me. I was ten months. He flew back to his state. She called the police, but didn't have the fight in her. I never saw her until I was 17 and found her incompetent, druggie ass on FB. You have to be persistent to get what you want...and choose your battles. No court and state is the same.
My recommendation is to have a free consultation. A lawyer in your county that knows your local judges and how they operate, what their beliefs are is the best option. Going to the courthouse wont help too much bc they can't give you legal advice.
I never knew any differently. It's not like I had any memories to miss, yanow? Would have been different if I was older. I am very thankful for it though. I do remember arguing with my teachers every mothers day though. "No...I DON'T have a mom."
"Honey, everybody has a mom."
"Nope!!! Not me! I have a daddy." Lol. I was always an arguer. Refused to participate in card making time if I couldn't write happy fathers day. Haha.