boobie help?

So jw can I start pumping before I have my baby??? Or just wate till I have her to start. My blobs are alwase hard n leak everywear.


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  • ^^ what she said ha
  • Pumping before will do nothing, you'll only get small amounts of colustrum.
  • I would wait if I were u. I'm sorry your uncomfortable though :(
  • Thanks, I wassent for shur if it was pointless or not.
  • I have heard the nipple stimulation can put you into labor.
  • Yeah, pumping can cause very strong contractions & start labor.
  • I expressed before birth because I had paranoia he would need colostrum and I wouldn't be able to produce once he was born and needed it to gain weight. I pumped while he was in the NICU recovering from surgery so he could have my milk through a feeding tube. I continued pumping for 6 months while nursing and filled a deep freeze as backup in case anything happened to my milk before he turned 12 months. When I unexpectedly got pregnant 7 months post partum, I was sooo glad to have that stash when my milk turned back to colostrum and baby boy naturally weaned. :-)
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