Enlarged Thyroid Post Partum

edited October 2012 in Health
So I have been seeing my Doctor regularly for the past 5 months for my PPD and now just recently my enlarged Thyroid. She drew my blood yesterday and checked my Thyroid function, kidney function, liver and my electrolyte balances and everything came back normal today. I still have an enlarged Thyroid but its functioning normally. Did anyone else have this problem 4 months PP? I am also EBF and my Doctor says that it is enlarged due to just having a baby. I go back in 2 weeks so she can check if its gone down any or not. I am really scared because I don't want to give up EBF my baby because of MY health issues.


  • Not sure... But BUMP :)
  • edited October 2012
    I had an enlarged thyroid that was mildly hyperactive. It ended up having some nodules on it, but everything is functioning fine now. As long as all your levels are ok they'll probably just keep an eye on it. I don't think it would effect your bf'ing at all.
  • Thank you ladies! I was so scared that it's gonna be cancer and I'm freaking out Lol I did have my girls just 15 months apart,so do you think having back to back pregnancies had anything to do with it?Yeah all my levels and organs are working normally but I'm still a bit nervous :/
  • when i went in for my yearly check up the dr said thyroid problems are really common amd get overloooked after birth.
  • Ok good look Ash...I was so scared but its most likely just because of giving birth. I'm much less worried now Lol I have hope that its not cancer!
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