Interview follow up. (Help)

Ok so I an interview on 10/03/12 I sent her an email to follow up about a week or so ago. She said she wasn't going to start interviewing, that's why I waited so long to follow up. She told me to follow up again. Should I call or email? And what should I say? since I already seemed so interested in the job? These are the Emails.
Hi Corenna, I thought I would follow up with you and let you know that I appreciate you taking the time to have an interview with me on the 3rd. I am highly interested in the leasing position you have open. I am eager to learn, and very confident that I can do an excellent job if selected. If there are any questions that you may have for me, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Thank you so much for the follow up. I have been very busy and was sent to NY to open a property after we met. I am still looking for a consultant, just have not had the time to interview. Please keep checking with me :-)


  • Probably not what you want to hear, but she sounds disorganized. I would call next time you ”check-in.” That way you can gauge voice inflection and get a better feel for the position and need than you get with electronic correspondence.
  • @Mijita The only reason well one of the reasons she Interviewed me was because her Assistant was my old manager. She told her how good I am. When I had my interview she told me she wasn't going to start interviewing people till the end of her quarter,?! And that her company required her to at least interview a hand full of candidates. When I had my interview she told me I was confident and had a very nice smile:) should I still not like that email lol:)
  • Definitely call.
  • I would call.
  • @caroline_p and @jules
    I will call her tomorrow I hope I get the job!
  • Calling is so much more personal and professional. I'd call. & good luck!!
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