My baby keeps spiting up her milk, what do I do?

edited October 2012 in Formula Feeding
It's only from time to time when she doesn't and she's starting not to burp as easy as she used to...

Am I doing something wrong?
I give her 4oz's usually and if I try to give her less she cries in hunger but will have times also when she wont finnish her bottle..


  • Maybe its the formula itself. What kind is she on?
  • II know many moms (including myself) who had to switch formula because the baby just didn't agree with it or it was too hard on their little tummy
  • Do you burp her at every 2oz or so?
  • So should I try switching formula? @MommyLovesSparkle
  • oh no she wont even let me take out the bottle unless she's finnished with it [-(
  • You need to burp her every 2oz. She'll be fine if she cries after you take it, burp her, then feed her the rest.
  • She should be burped half way, so after 2oz. But you could try similac senasitive since your using similac already
  • Try burping her halfway through first then if its still going on the switch to sensitive. But be careful, similac sensitive can be horrible to some babies and great to others i hear more bad then good about that formula, but it really just depends on your baby. if you Decide to switch her to sensitive just keep an eye out for any tummy discomfort (as you should if switching ANY formula)
  • edited October 2012
    I've tried Similac Sensitive before with her and she was fine with it but the problem is the foam. Know I have the Similac Bottles so maybe that's what the formula needs but at the same time when im using the Advanced version of Similac there's still a little bit of foam in it...@MommyLovesSparkle and @Steph_Due_101611
  • I use enfamil gentlease. The bubbles reside pretty quickly.
  • To help with the foam, you can mix an entire day's worth of formula in a large sealable container and heat it in warm water when you're ready to make a bottle. The foam should be settled in a matter of minutes. Just refrigerate. Throw out any that is leftover after 24 hours.
  • My son is on sensitive formula we just switched from enfamil to gerber he is doing fine. He also use to take zantac for his tummy. I had to switch formula about month after he was born. Then tok him back month later said he was doing better but this and that is still going on. Good luck you find the right formula
  • I thought you were breastfeeding?
  • @dra765 that's what I thought!
  • My daughter was like @blessedtxmom said no matter what she spit up she did it on breast milk and all kinds of formula. She eventually stopped on her own it caused her no pain or discomfort.
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  • Im not breastfeeding anymore @dra765 and the other lady my phone won't let me type her name... :)
  • Oooo how long has she been on formula?
  • A little over a month @dra765 and thank you.
  • oh ok. well babies that drink formula tend tospit up more. its nothing too alarming. and as they get older they don't burp as often and easily. sounds like she's just adjusting
  • @dra765 that's a long adjustment
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