whole milk trouble

edited October 2012 in Food
My daughter turned 1 on Sept 14. The next week I started to slowly introduce whole milk, but was still using mostly formula. By about 2 weeks of that I stopped using formula just whole milk. Her poops were getting thicker and I noticed she was pushing harder when she pooped. I started giving her more water daily and made sure she was eating fruits at every meal.

The last two weeks she was so constipated, and her poop changed to hard little balls. So I was giving her prunes daily and putting pear juice in her water. On Tuesday night she woke up screaming with the biggest, hardest poop stuck halfway out of her bottom. It was horrible. The next day I started back on formula and today her poop is back to normal.

The extra water, fruit all day long and juice was not helping. One of my friends said that I should've waited and eventually her body would have got use to the cow's milk.

What do you ladies think? I'm thinking about waiting another week and then slowly trying to introduce goat's milk?


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  • I had the same problem with my daughter who is now 13 months. It is difficult to deal with, but eventually it will get better. I agree with your friend that you should continue the whole milk. It took about a month maybe a month and a half. She still continues to strain at times, but the crying has stopped and she doesn't seem to be in any pain. I also give her either prunes or prune juice every other day to help.
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