my parents are driving me crazy!

They keep bugging us about getting our daughters pictures taken, she will be 1 in Nov. We just haven't had the time or money to do so and now they are saying if we don't take her they will!

Also they are making a big deal about the holidays..I'm not looking forward to them any more. My dad keeps calling it our "last" xmas together. He's also making a huge deal about us not staying the night at their place and waking up there. We always go to my grandparents on xmas eve and I told him it all depended on hubby's schedule if we go down and my dad told me that if we don't go, they aren't going. It's like our decision affects everyone else's and that bothers me.

Holidays are suppose to be fun esp when you have kids and now I am totally stressed out!!


  • Im sorry your going through this! I totally understand though holidays have always been stressful for me and my husband because both of our families expected both of us to go to their houses every holiday and they live an hour apart so we spent every holiday driving in the car for 2 hours the past 10 years. But after we had Lily we said that we have our own family now and that if anyone wants to come see her they are more than welcome to come to our home but we are starting our own traditions and letting it be fun for us and the baby! I hope everything works out for you and becomes less stressful!
  • Malias first pics were at 13 mo, i actually just picked them up yesterday :)
  • Dude I totally get you on this. This Is our first Xmas as a family, & I'm already getting pressure from my mom to spend Christmas eve night there. I'm already stressing about it which sucks!!
  • Why did he say our last xmas? it is too expensive it's crazy. I love getting my pictures done professionally but it's just a little too expensive and they give me too many copies more then I would need. My husband actually refuses it!
  • @lilliansmom that sucks! At least all our family is in town execpt for my grandparents who are an hour and a half away. That's what I wanna do, but have to accommodate everyone else.
    @caroline8_p lol glad ours won't be the only ones after her first bday.
    @natashalynn this will be our second, but she was only a month and a half old last year, so this feels like her first.
    @mylove2 idk! I think because my sisters are turning 11 in Jan and this will probly be the last year they believe in Santa, so I guess this is the "last" year they can really play it up.
  • Ya this is her second Xmas too, she was six months last Xmas, but we were all living with my parents. Now we have our own house, and I really want some time with just my family, you know?
  • Don't stress sears and jcpennys always have $7.99 picture packages!
  • @natashalynn yes I do! It's like we have our own family now and they can't accept that, they still want to do their own thing.
    @mommylovessparkle yea..I'm not a big fan of those, sitting in front of a back drop, posing isn't just my thing.
  • Girl I feel ya on thing! My parents are divorced so we have my moms side and dads side then hubbys side. It makes holidays more stressful then fun. This is hubbys first Christmas with our daughter since he was deployed last year so I want him to be able to enjoy her not stress about when we are supposed to be somewhere.
  • It's hard balancing all the families. And it sucks, cause they should remember when they started their own family and wanting their own time. Honestly, the hardest part to deal with is ny sister. She has just our family, and her girlfriend, bit her girlfriends family all live a few hours away. So I know shell be pushing for our old family traditions to stick around. And she gets really pissed off at change. I don't want to hurt anyonds feelings. My parents, my sister, my boyfriend his parents. Luckily his parents are super easy going so that takes some stress off. But ugh. Not looking forward to Christmas.
  • I'm sorry this is stressing u out but if u get a chance take advantage of them being willing to help with the pictures those are great memories. And the other thing they shouldn't make u feel bad and base their decision off yours u have your own family now and it's understandable u if want to be with just then on Christmas.
  • @morgdeebee mine are too! But we don't go to my moms side for anything, her and I don't really talk. So luckily that is one less stress to worry about.
    @natashalynn exactly!! Hubby's mom is super easy going so as long as she gets to see us, she doesnt care when. So that is one less person to worry about.
    @jules I wouldn't mind but they are bugging me about it. I wouldn't even know when to make them..we have her party, then thanksgiving, then xmas.
  • Well just do random day that your not too busy it doesn't have long. But I'm sorry they are bugging u about it
  • @mommylovessparkle but thanks for the idea in case I am in a pinch.
    @jules yea..I think I will. It'll probly be after thanksgiving before xmas. I guess as long as its booked they dont have an excuse to complain.
  • Haha let's hope !
  • @jules lol yea..with my parents who knows they always find something! Lol
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