I have a question about transitioning to whole milk

edited October 2012 in Food
Since starting whole milk lo's dirty diapers have been much looser. There is barely ever any consistency to them, she almost blows out the back every time (she never did that before), and her poops come so easily now you can never tell she's pooping (before it was a big production & very obvious). She never seems uncomfortable physically, like stomach ache or anything. We transitioned her from formula to milk pretty quick because she liked the taste of milk right away and we were almost out of our opened tub of formula.
You hear of people mixing whole milk half and half with breastmilk or formula. Is this to get them used to the taste or to get their tummy's used to the milk? I thought it was more of a taste thing but maybe we were supposed to go more slowly......OR.....does this mean she is just not tolerating it & just not quite ready for milk? OR should we just keep going with the milk and not worry as long as she seems comfortable? She is 11.5 months. It has been about 1 week of doing milk.


  • edited October 2012
    If she was not tolerant of whole milk then I would tend to say that it would be accompanied by gas and discomfort. Since she's new to it and doesn't seem to be in any pain, I'm going to guess that she's most likely reacting to the fat in the milk. Normally I would say the sugar, but that is most often associated with cramping and gas. Are her poops like diarrhea or just soft? I would give it a few more days to allow adjustment. If she is having diarrhea, then I would worry about dehydration and nutrient malabsorption and I would suggest giving her physician a call for suggested recommendations.
  • @Mijita probably half diarrhea and half very soft, she is going about 3-4 times daily which is about the same. Thank you!!
  • My daughter did the same thing when we switched.. and I even mixed it half and half for a pretty good while. My grandpa was actually the only person to warn me that this might happen, Lol. (He doesn't usually offer advice, and yous never guess when he did it would be about babies, Lol!) I think its pretty normal.

    Oh, and my daughter's poops were much stinkier, too!
  • I wish there were more people able or willing to share their experiences :-?
  • edited October 2012
    Please don't take this as starting a debate, but milk has been down talked here that I think people may feel ”embarrassed” to talk about giving their child milk. This is just my honest opinion and thought I'd share this with you so you don't take the non-responses personal. :)
  • I started my 11 month old on milk about 2 weeks ago. We also did it quickly, but ive had the opposite happen. Her stools got harder for a week or so, but now seem to be levelling back out.
  • @Mijita thank you for the heads up! Well, I am open to suggestions or recommendations if anyone wants to share what they are using rather then milk. Yikes, should I feel embarrassed about giving her milk, what should I be doing...or could I be doing? Guess I need to do a little research! Pediatrician just said whole milk & I guess that is all I am personally familiar with so that's what we did ;-)
    So what is everyone else doing?
  • @JoshnEviesmum Hmmm, okay, thanks for sharing!!
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  • I haven't started milk yet but my daughter is 11.5 months too and am almost out of formula so I'm glad you posted that you started milk already because i wasn't sure if i should buy more formula or not. I'm gonna make a quick transition too so I will let you know how it goes!
  • I'm starting my son on whole milk, but his poop has gotten harder. I'm trying to find a good balance because he needs the fat from the dairy (he's my tiny little man) but it's making him constipated. So I'm trying find things to balance it out.
    Hopefully they're tummies adjust quickly!
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