Questions about getting tubes tied..

edited October 2012 in Pregnant
So after this baby we have decided on me most likely getting tubes tied. My question is, I have heard you can not lose any weight after it! Which if this is true I will not do it, cause I need to lose and keep it off. Anyone heard this? Or have their tubes tied and their experience? Thanks ladies!


  • I got my tubes tied last Oct and i've lost weight. I'm almost to be prepregnancy weight...before my first kid.
  • Oh wow thank you @sands3, that's good news cause I really would love to get it done but I want to lose a lot of weight and I don't want that to stop me lol. I lost 46 pounds then bam here I am pregnant lol ;)
  • My mom had her tubes tied after she had me, and she lost all the weight she gained. So I'm not sure about that! Have you thought about just getting paraguard? It lasts for 10yrs and after that you can just get it put back in until you hit menopause.
  • Yeah I did think about that @ericak22, that's actually my backup plan ;) but i just want to not have to worry about it anymore ya know? :)
  • Yeah I hear ya! I'm getting paraguard put in next week..I'm just paranoid Ill get pregnant on it! If I wasn't only 23 id get those babies cut and burned lol
  • That's exactly how I feel about it lol! This is my third I have two boys so whether its a boy or girl I am donnnnee!
  • Yea. I'm 29 with 2 boys. I knew I was done
  • May I ask what the logic is behind not being able to lose weight? You are only blocking the reproductive path, you are not losing any hormones. I've never heard this, strange.
  • I'm also getting my tubes tied on Wednesday..I'll be 29 in dec i have3 kids i can't wait to have sex and not worry anymore :)
  • Getting mine done in the morning, so we'll see. Lol
  • @mamafn3 thank you! Lol I have 3 kids too and we are DONE!
  • Aahh good luck ladies! @mrsstanley_x2 & mamafn3, you will have to keep me posted on how things go!
  • edited October 2012
    @Proudmother1009 I'll update u
  • I had my tubes tide in Oct 2011 and I've lost a total of 37 lbs since ...
  • I had mine tied in June (during my csection) and lost 20 lbs within about a month, but then started phentermine and have lost a total of 50 lbs. I dont think it hinders you from loosing weight or no one would get theirs tied lol
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