Transition baby to crib

edited October 2012 in Ages & Stages
Okay so some people have given me alot of grief for this but my daughter is going to be 15 months in November. She still sleeps in a rock and play. She has really bad reflux and couldn't sleep flat on her back. Now it's time for her to go into her crib she no longer has a problem with reflux. But she hates her crib. Even if she's sleeping when we put her in it she wakes right up. We have spoiled her by not making her put herself to sleep we have always rocked her to sleep. Now I just don't know how to get her into her crib. Oh yes an she also sleeps in our room not in her room. I know I'm bad!! But what should I do. I need help not people telling me that I have ruined my child.


  • Put a pillow or blanket something that you use that has your smell on it.. Try getting her very sleepy then putting her in the crib...
  • My son was like that. I tried everything to get him out of my bed. Nothing worked for me until he was 3 and i was pregnant with #2.
  • @starlilly thanks! @ steph_due_101611 I hoping that she's ready cause she is out growing the rock and play. She keeps waking up thru the night. She normally sleeps through the night. As bad as it sounds I would just bring get crib into our room if it would fit, but it doesn't.
  • My husband is a truck driver so my son has his crib in my room where I can lock the door at night. I don't see anything wrong with it.

    Start by rocking her like normal then laying her in her crib. She will most likely wake up screaming and u will have to rock her again. She will eventually fall out from exhaustion,yay. If you make it thro the night without giving in. After a couple nights she will get used to the crib then u can start rocking as part of a routine and trying to phase that out. To much at once may not be the way you should go.
  • @char thanks. My husband works nights so I know how it is not always having your husband around. That is also part of the reason I've kept her in my room so long. Some people don't know how that is. I'll give your advise a try. Hopefully this works.the hardest part in going to be not giving in.
  • I had my son in my bed untill he was over 13 months and heard it all too, yoü will have problems later, he will still be with yoü when hes ten- crap like that but I didnt listen and when I was ready just put him in. He cried for a good hour the first time with me going in every ten minutes then half an hour the next night and so on. He now goes bed good as gold and will lie awake and then self sooth to sleep without crying :). Make sure yoü are both ready and once yoü start dont stop or give in, stay consistent through out and stuff the negative comments, its your baby and as long as hes happy, thats all that matters! :)
  • @babyszydmom the first few nights my lo stayed in his crib about half the night. I was still bfing him and fell asleep while he was eating. I think I need to start moving him into his own room now, because I am pregnant again. I have thought about moving everything out of my room and having all the beds in my hubby would have a aneurism.

    Be patient it may take a few days. Cio was not right for me I just felt like he wanted me and I was telling him no. It made me feel horrible!!
  • edited October 2012
    Start have her sleep in there during naps so she can get use to it and then once she is sleeping through during naps than I would say its safe to start at bed time. Try and give her something that smells like you, like a pillow or small blanket.
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