labour check list

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Soon to be dad and was wondering if anyone have a check list of things to do when labour starts? I.e when this happens do this. Gettin a bit worried that im gonna forget wot to do and so a check list would be useful.


  • There's really no checklist to follow. Are you looking for a list of items that need to be packed?
  • Get sleep a lot my husband on our first didn't sleep when I was having contractions at home hr washed his car at 3 am lol he said next time has to get sleep I was in labor for 19hrs he had no sleep. Bring a ipod hair ties for the mom I forgot mine and my hair drove me crazy and to many ppl in the room can be annoying don't forget clothes for the mom when she leaves the hospital and couple different outfits for baby. Oh bring baby book I didn't know with my first some hospitals will do babys foot prints in it for you. If she is the type that has a favorite pillow bring it
  • For stuff to pack : Bring all your chargers! They'll be blowing up your phones. For the camera too.
    But for when she goes into labor. If its your first then most likely you'll be in a panic to even worry about a check list. Haha. Just don't forget your bag and baby seat. Call the hospital to let them know you're coming.
  • Well, of course number 1 thing-Dont pass out when you see the baby crowning. ;)

    Haha, but seriously, sleep as much as you can while she's in labor and when the baby isn't in the room with you-try and catch a nap.
    Don't forget coming home outfit for baby and something for the Mom to wear too. Of course, the car seat can already be in the car so you don't forget it. Take any baby things, like baby book, some hospitals will do the babies foot prints in it for you. Umm, if your wife has certain shower washes she likes/shampoo, pack them for when she takes a shower so she doesn't have to use the hospitals bland smelling stuff. Maybe take a lotion she likes too.

    -Soon to be Dad, you'll do just fine. Congratulations!
  • Make sure to bring the new mom several sets of old pj's as they're more comfortable than hospital gowns and they will get bloody. Also get her a dognut to sit on (you can get one at the drugstore) as her tush will likely be sore. A card for the new mommy is always appreciated. Bring one or two of her pillows from home as the hospital ones are uncomfortable. If you'd like to call people to tell them about the birth make sure to bring a list of numbers. Make sure to bring snack for yourself during labor so you don't have to leave her side (she'll probably be hungry after the labor as well). Make sure to bring extra pads for your wife (nursing and overnight pads). If she's going to breastfeed its a good idea to bring the breastpump along. Don't forget the cameras and any insurance information you might need. Also, with some insurance companies, it up to YOU (the parents) to call them and let them know you just had a baby. Never trust the hospital to do it, you don't want to get stuck with thousands of dollars in hospital bills because the hospital forgot to notify the insurance company.
  • If your wife is anything like me bring her pillow from home!!! We only live a few minutes from the hospital and I sent my husband home for it and he came back with everything but my pillow!!! Not sure how since that was the only thing I asked him to grab!! If she has long hair then a few extra hair ties would be good!!! Somehow they get lost during the process. Also its good to have her dr. number on your phone so you can call them for her when I time comes. The last thing she's going to be wanting to do when she's in labor is taking on the phone. You should have all of the contacts in your phone if you don't already. If you can get an app got your phone that helps track contractions. It was a big help on my last baby. Most hospitals offer a tour so you will be prepared for what to do once you get to the hospital. Ie... Where to go, what to bring, paperwork to fill out, and most important what medicine if any to choose during labor. Im hoping my husband is better prepared this time around. Good luck and your off to a good start just for asking!!
  • Thanks for the info. By checklist I mean for the actual labour. I.e waters broke - ring hospital. Contactions at * minutes - go to hospital. I probably wont use / need them but with the panic it wud be useful to have just in case.
  • When ur water breaks u should go to the hospital soon u dnt have to rush but they wanna get her delivered within 24hrs to prevent infection.... and the contractions should be 5 mins apart hope that helps
  • Just so you know the water might not break until the doctor breaks it during labor...... I would check with the dr on the contractions. As long as they are in a pattern its most likely true labor. It kinda depends on how far you are from the hospital too. My dr brought me in at 8 minutes apart last time. Its really up to the dr you see. We don't live that far but my doctor is all about comfort. Good luck
  • Well maybe i should ask my dr too lol i was just taking labor and delivery classes and that's what they told me
  • @ mphelps07
    I think that is a general number but its really up to the dr you have. I don't deal with pain well so my doctor will just bring me in once I decide I've had enough and my contractions have a pattern for at least an hour. Im 25 weeks with my 4th baby and have never waited until I was 5 minutes apart. Lol you would think at 37 I would have it down by now but id rather it be as pleasant as possible!!! Good luck...
  • Honestly, there is no step by step checklist to follow. The best advice would be from the dr, and a good book like What to Expect When You're Expecting. No two pregnancies and labors are the same. A good dr will be willing to answer all your questions.
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