
edited October 2012 in Babies
My daughter Corri, who is nearly 16 months has never used a pacifier. Until now, that is. My son Davey, who is 3 months old, uses a pacifier. It's been quite the life saver. I'm not a stern mother, so I'm not quite sure what to do, but Corri will see this pacifier lying around and pick it up. She has sucked on it for a good 4 hours at a time some days.. Part of me thinks that it's just going to be something else to wean her from, but part of me thinks she might be using it as either comfort/security, or because she's a tad jealous of Davey.

Should I take it from her and tell her it's only for baby brother, or let her have it? It isn't really hurting anything (I don't think), but she does get attached fairly easily.


  • She's probably just doing it because its laying around and she sees the baby doing it. Keegan (1) was never a paci baby either. She got it for sleeping and thats all. If she sees Troy's laying around she'll pop it in her mouth. I just take it and tell her no thats the baby's. After a few times of that she's learned and if she gets his paci she'll try to give it to him or hands it to me.
  • @1stWoodsBaby When I take it from her, she doesn't cry, but looks noticeably sad. I think I'll give it a few more times telling her that it's for baby brother.. She also puts it in his mouth sometimes.
  • Honestly, I was never stern about breaking babies of things like thumb sucking, pacifiers, bottles, etc. It won't hurt anything. If she is happy, why not? I have yet to se a child graduate high school with a bink. :-D
  • @luvmy5 I think if the next few times don't work, I'm just gonna let her have it. I don't like seeing her sad face. Breaks my heart... I know a binkie is a small thing to me, but to her it might be the best thing ever.
  • Aubrey uses a paci she doesnt use it all the time only for fussy time and sleep half the time she grabs it and pulls it out of her mouth lol i dont think it will hurt her my cousin loved hos paci and used it till he was 4 and he is a very well rounded confident guy :-)
  • @Aubreysmommy My son usually uses it when he wants comfort and I'm unable to hold him (doing dishes, bathing kids, showering, etc). I liked that you mentioned your cousin being well rounded and confident.. If I could wish anything for my kids, it would be those two things!
  • My son was almost 2.5yrs when my daughter was born and would take it if he found it. I just reminded him it was for the baby and after a weekof that he made it his personal duty to make sure his sister always had her dummy (binky) with my son he got sick and was congested so couldn't use his dummy for a few days at 11 months old. My daughter lost hers around the house and I couldn't find it... so she just got used to being without it... found it 2 days later and figured we could live without it
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