Feel like crying
I am so upset. I want to cry. Im still dealing with my shoulder being hurt from my car accident from last month. I am in physical therapy. It has only helped a tiny bit. There is still a part of my shoulder that hasnt improved any and hurts a lot. Nothing really helps the pain. I am so tired of always being in pain. I have missed work because of the pain, which has not helped with pay checks. I am so stressed I could just cry. I have no money to get my kids costumes for halloween next week. I cant make a payment on the kids christmas presents that are on layaway. I have trying so dam hard to be possitive and think things are getting better. Well my shoulder is really starting to put a damper on things. I really want to cry. Because of the pain, the stress, exhaustion from everything. In the month we have been out of shelter my husband hasnt been able to look for work. Because of me going to physical therapy 3x a week, trying to work, moving our stuff (slowly), and dealing with car accident stuff. Its all to much. It has been such a rough year. I really need a break. I cant keep doing all this. Not to mention my baby is sick.