need help on a desicion

edited March 2011 in Baby showers
I am 15 weeks and I am due Aug.22 I wana have my baby shower with my graduation is that a good idea? Is that too early for a baby shower?


  • When is Ur graduation
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  • My friend had her grad and baby shower together :)
  • Yea my gma lives in atl I live in fl so wen my baby is born and if I wait on a baby shower she won't be around. I really want her to be here she' s my only support besides my baby daddy
  • ooh well happy early early bday lol
  • I think u should wait then till around t
    July I'm due Aug 17 an I'm having mine in July
  • I dnt kno....I mean it makes sense to wait but then I want certain people to be there
  • @queshia1 if u know that she isn't going to be able to b@ your shower if you have it later then do what you feel you want to. The object behind the party of both events is having people there that love and support you. So if your gut or baby is telling you to have them together then have them together
  • If thats what you want, then go for it! :) everyone will already be there anyways. Might as well make it a big celebration.
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