My one year old can't drink cow's milk or soy milk
My son had to be on soy formula after I stopped breast feeding. We started trying whole milk shortly before his first birthday and that caused him to have the worst diapers! His pediatrician recommended soy milk and that is doing the same thing to him! Should I try goats milk, almond, or rice milk? Lactaid?
Planning to call the ped Monday but just wanted to know what you guys have tried for your babies that were sensitive to milk.
Planning to call the ped Monday but just wanted to know what you guys have tried for your babies that were sensitive to milk.
@loveourlittleone lactaid milk will only help if your child is lactose intolerant (sensitive to the sugar, lactose, found in cows milk). If it's the protein, lactaid will still cause an issue.
Hope I helped a little! I'm no professional but my son was diagnosed with cows milk protein allergy at 7 weeks old. He is 14 months tomorrow. I've done a lot of research and have worked very closely with our Pediatrician and allergist.