Hylands Baby Cough Syrup

edited October 2012 in Babies Health
Has anyone used this? does it work? Is it safe to use?
My lo has had a cough for a good week I have brought her to the doctor and they said she is fine and not worry, but I just feel so bad that there is nothing I can do about her cough that wakes her up all night. So I found the hylands cough syrup at the store today and was wondering if I should try it to help her sleep?


  • I love all hylands products!
  • @ashley_smashley I use the teething tablets and love them but i didnt even know there was cough syrup for babies so when I saw it I got excited but wanted to know if anyone else has used it
  • Yep we use it. And love it!
  • @ashley_smashley Awesome! Thank you! I just gave her some so hoping it gives her some relief to sleep!
  • I've never used it but hylands is so great, they're safe products. Another tip that some ladies on here suggested was putting the baby vicks rub on the bottom of lo's feet. I didn't believe it at first but my son's had a nasty cough for about a week so I've tried it out the past three nights and he hasn't woken up coughing at all. Slept through the night! Worth a shot and I hope your little one feels better soon!
  • Yepp we have used it along with the tiny cold tablets. It really helped trixie. Hylands products are awesome!! I was skeptical at first but now I recommend it to all my mommy friends lol.
  • @musicmomma I actually just tried that tonight too! hopefully it all comes together and works for her!
    @trixiesmom8 I understand being skeptical thats why i question it! haha But I know the teething tablets are awesome so Im sure the cough syrup is good too! we will see if she sleeps good tonight! I hope so we both really need it! oh I think I will get the cold tablets too!
  • Where do you get it? I have 2 (my baby and 3yo) that have horrible coughs. I would love to try it if it really works. I dont imagine any of you have any extra you could donate would you?
  • @angel26 I got it at Target but I'm sure you can get it anywhere they sell medicines
  • Oh yea! The teething tablets are the best. We use those more than we do tylenol or any kind of meds. She GERD excites seeing them, knowing she is going to feel better soon.

    @angel26 I got ours at walgreens.
  • When my daughter was sick i put vicks on the bottom.of her feet and put some warm socks and put the humidifier.. it works great its a vicks humidifier that u pour some vicks liwuid in with the water.. i recommend it!
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