sleeping on your right side

edited March 2011 in Sleep
I am reaching the uncomfortable sleep positions now. Remind me why it is best to sleep on the left side on not the right. It seems that sleeping on my right side is most comfortable.


  • Better circulation on the left.
  • If I sleep or lay on my left I get a pain so its right for me and my baby is nice and healthy and active
  • Yeah so the blood flow is better sleeping on your left side.
  • There is an artery that is almost centered down your body but slightly offset to the right. Laying on the left is supposed to allow max blood flow thru the artery. It can also cause you to get dizzy if you lay flat on your back. Personally, my baby hates when I lay on my left and I don't get dizzy on my back so I lay in whatever position is comfortable at the time.
  • Thanks ladies. Im pretty sure I slept however was most comfy with my first baby (18 yrs ago) and didn't experience any bad things from it. I think I will just try my best to avoid my back and sleep on my right if that's what it takes to get some sleep.
  • I usually lay on my right side because its most comfortable for me but I always end up switching back and forth between both sides
  • I can't lay on ANY side for more than 30ish minutes because it hurts so bad so i spend all night switching left,right, back,right, back, left, right,... its very miserable :(
  • Yea the artery on the right side, doc told me its more of a concern when baby is bigger because baby can cut off bloodflow if their weight is on it affecting their oxygen throughout the night.
  • what about laying on ur stomach or back?
  • @shaila_n_newbaby how far along are you ?? and i heard its bad to sleep on your stomach cause it can cut off babys circulation and hurt them and if you sleep on your back you yourself cant breathe . trust me it sucks to only be able to sleep on your sides . preferablly your left for better circulation and it gets better oxygen to the baby .
  • edited April 2011
    ok ill do that then n I'm about 8 weeks as of yesterday
  • I'm most comfortable sleeping on my back or to my right side. I'm 20 weeks and I try to stay on the left, but I can't, its so uncomfortable to me. I guess whatever works!
  • I'm more comfortable on my right side but I can't sleep on one side to long cause my hips start hurting really bad. I usually wake up on my back propped up my body pillow does seem to help though
  • I basically make a circle of pillows with a hole in the middle of them for my belly and fall asleep or i'm on my right side. always helps to have a pillow between my legs when im on my side.
  • I have rheumatoid arthritis and get uncomfortable at night anyway. I have found that the baby seems to prefer me on my right side so just go with whatever is comfortable. I normally end up on my left side for periods during the night aswell anyway
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