trying milk again tomorrow



  • @mijita my dad told me tonight he was allergic when he was younger...could it skip a generation and my lo be allergic? She's had cheese and does just fine. My dad now has no problem with milk.
  • edited November 2012
    Most babies with milk allergies outgrow their allergy/intolerance by age 3, some take a little longer. Cheese is fermented and the milk sugar is converted into a different form. I'm thinking her GI is still immature and not ready. I only say this because she's tolerant of cheese and not milk. If it were the milk proteins, she would respond in a similar fashion to cheese. She's probably lactose intolerant. Bring up the milk issue with her physician. How sure she do with yogurt, or other milk products?
  • @mijita we haven't tried anything else but cheese. She didn't like the gerber yogurt and with her not doing well with milk, I'm afraid to give her regular yogurt. I will be asking at her apt. Thanks for all your help!
  • My kids and myself cannot have cows milk or ice cream, but we can have all other dairy. We use rice milk.
  • We haven't tried ice cream yet with her @luvmy5 but my hubby and I don't have any issues, that's why I'm so confused. Oh well, we will be waiting to see what the doc says.
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