Why is my 1yr Olds breath stinky?!

I have not started to brush his teeth, but I am gonna start now. Its not really bad but it smells like milk breath. Today was the first time it really seemed noticeable to me and I was wondering if it was my pregnancy nose picking up on the craziest things but even my boyfriend mentioned it.

Is this normal?

Also looking for tips on brushing a one year old teeth, how often, how to, and what products do u recommend?


  • We brush Rion's teeth every night during bath time, we use infants tooth paste made by orajel brand, it has elmo on it. Then we let him chew on it by himself, thats what my dentist said to do. Then we give him a little cup of water to drink.
  • Yea it's a little one my dentist gave him, we brush his teeth then let him chew on the tooth brush four a while on his own!
  • I brush Lilys teeth after her bath before bed every night with gerber infant tooth paste and I let her chew on the tooth brush after I'm done. Her tooth paste is banana flavored and she seems to really like it
  • I let my son chew on his tooth brush then brush his teeth. I use the nuby toothbrush and toothpaste. And I do it in the morning and at night.
  • It can also be a sign of an upset tummy. :/
  • We have the beginner tooth brush and toothpaste from Target. The tooth paste is fluoride free. We took Sidney to the dentist this month, so she can start getting used to it. The dentist said twice a day. We are kinds bad about the twice a day, but she always gets them brushed in the bath tub. Make sure you use a very soft brissle brush and floride free toothpaste til they know how to spit it out.
  • @wilsomom I was also reading just now that it can be related to sinusitus or allergies that can cause congestion and therefore the baby breathes with their mouth open which causes more dryness. I told his Pedi that he has been congested for the past month and she shook it off, but its all worrying me now!
  • So nobodys 1 yr old has stinky breath?! :( .. I am starting to really worry. I mean its not like adult bad breath, kinda like dry milk...
  • My daughter does smells like spoiled milk I thought it was me cause I'm prego but we brush her teeth at night she brushes when I do I stand her next to me in the mirror I have no problem so far except for myself when I eat I get this bad taste in my mouth like I ate rotten bread ay.d its stuck in my mouth even brushen don't help
  • @lilloulou phew, he's not the only one! How old is she? ...I used to get that alot with my other pregnancy, as much as I brushed it would not go away! :( Pregnancy and its perks huh?
  • My boys would get horrible breath when cutting molars...
  • When Mari was younger her breath was stinky but sweet (I liked it...weird I know). Bad breath can be a symptom of thrush too.
  • I just put a lil tooth paste on it its bubble fruit flavor on her toothbrush n she brushes her teeth on her own BC she sees me do it lol.
  • Yeah I know my lo is 18 months now and we try to brush her teeth everynight but I make her drink water after her milk now and seems to be better now
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