Truth on Santa

edited November 2012 in Just for Fun
I know it's just Halloween but in one discussion I was reading it mentioned Santa and the fact her friends daughter still believes( sorry can't remember who posted it) anyway I have two questions, first one is at what age do you think it's appropriate to tell them the truth about Santa? And do any of you feel guilty for lying to your children knowing one day they will either find out or telling them? Just made me think of it, and wanted your input!!


  • I want Charlie to believe for as long as possible, I remember thinking that he really came to my house and made xmas so magical :) I doubt ill tell him tho, its normally kids at school who do that and then I can explain when hes ten or slightly earlier :)
  • edited November 2012
    Me personally I wouldn't. It may be in all good fun now but we can't act like there not gonna look back and wonder why their parents told them this. Some probably don't but we can't all assume we'll get a kid that wont question it all..

  • I am going to let my kids have Santa...I never felt any type of way about my parents not telling me. I loved it and the way they used to pretend he was exciting as a kid trying to wait up to try to hear Santa. I mean look at the movies we watch...Freddy Kreuger?? That's all fake, children do start learning what's real and what isn't. Also, Santa is an extent.. in Germany kids left their boot outside (this is where the stocking came in for us) and a saint nick came to put in candy. I make a point to tell my daughter (8yrs old) bc she has questioned it...that way back there was a man who would bring gifts to children. Sometimes mom and dad have to help him I say nowadays there are so many kids we have to help him, he is gettin old needs help etc. Kids these days have to grow up so fast...I feel they can have a little Santa in their lives. I mean as parents we do alot of lying...veggies are you get what I mean.
  • I plan to just wing it... will just see what happens as my kids get older and break it to them when I feel it's time or explain things if kids at school tell them things.
  • I never questioned my parents when I found out the truth and don't know any kids who have. They normally find out the truth from school and their friends. I want my kids to believe as long as possible, its so magical and they don't have that innocence for very long! X
  • I agree with the other ladies. Its too much fun that I won't tell my kids. If they get 7-8 & ask i won't lie to them though. I have a brother who is 10 years younger. Because of him believing I still got Santa gifts until he found out the truth so he wouldn't question why I didn't get any. :)
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  • I let my kids believe in Santa. I'm thinking this year kids at school might ruin it for my 7 year old but I hope not. It's such a silly little thing. So much innocence is stollen from this generation. I think there's nothing wrong w a extra little magic in Christmas. We are Christians so we balance it out really well. They still understand what Christmas is really about. It's really only up to u and ur husband. :)
  • It makes me really sad when people think their kids are gonna grow up and come to this conclusion that their parents are "liars" because of Santa, the easter bunny, etc. If anything, those kids are gonna grow up too fast because the innocence and magic of childhood was taken away too soon. How many people really feel that way when they find out Santa isn't real?? You might be a little sad but there's no animosity towards your parents lol. So, needless to say, I'll let my daughter believe in whatever she wants for however long she wants :)
  • I am planning to let them choose, if they want to believe in it ill go ahead and let them, if they happen to stumble into the truth.. ill let them. i think is like religion.. they should have their own opinion.
  • My Mom always to us that as long as we believe in Santa, we will get presents from him. But if we don't than he won't bring us any! I plan on doing the same for my kids. I think it makes Christmas magical for kids! And it's a good "threat" when my daughter is acting up lol
  • I definitely will let Lillian believe in Santa its fun! To this day I still get gifts from Santa at my parents house! Haha and my youngest sibling is 18!
  • I still get gifts 'from Santa' I think its cute that my parents gave us the gift of believing in something magical. That's part of the fun of being a kid, I don't see it as lying anymore than playing dress up or with imaginary friends, or tea parties with no tea. It's a way of interacting with your kids, and stimulating their imagination. Jmo!
  • Santa is not real??!!!

    :-(( :)>- :-((

    I tried to keep my son from Santa but he is fricking everywhere in our society, family will insist on it, as will the media, even the schools!
    I say let them believe. I would always have Santa bring the stockings but he never brought presents (except at grandparents' houses lol) I know Victor (9 years) doesn't believe in him anymore but he claims to because, even if it is just in the back of his mind, he knows it is a tradition that makes the adults happy. Happy adults at that time of year are good to have. Santa also comes to our house a week or two before Christmas and drops off a gift, ironically it is always when my inlaws come for a visit. Lol So he definitely has that figured out.

    The way I see it if he ever questions me about it I'll tell him the truth and point out that believing in Santa made him happy and that was a good thing. Or you could keep insisting that Santa is real even after you have grandkids.
  • Yes we will have Santa as long as she believes and starts asking questions. Our friends have a 7yo daughter and she asked them the other day about him not being real, so they told her. My sisters who will be 11 in January still don't know, I think they have an idea, but aren't too sure. I got presents from Santa, until a year after I graduated. My parents just told my sisters that once you reach a certain age he stops coming for you.
  • Its been so long since I had Santa visit me. Lol. I will let santa come to the house until he is about 9-10 no older because I wouldn't want him to say he believes in santa in school.
  • I want my kids to believe as long as possible. They will find out the truth some day and I think they will be fine with it. They will probably do the same for their own children some day.
  • My parents still tried to make me believe around 9 or 10 yrs old that there was a Santa but kids at school told me so I'll probably just wait until they get to that age where the other kids start talking about it lol. I used to work with this women who told her kids who are like 3 & 5 that there's no Santa, Easter bunny, etc because she took some physcology class or something and decided she was "hurting" her kids for beleiving in those things
  • I want my son to believe and he does. I figure when the time comes ill still LIEEEEEEEEEE loo hut seriously probably till they have kids.
  • My mom always told me......

    as long as you believe you shall receive....

    I believed until I had wasn't the fact that I knew Santa wasn't real, it was the excitement of waking up Christmas morning and running downstairs to the tree to see what mom had placed out. I will do the same with Owen... my mother is nutty about Christmas and I swore up and down id never be as crazy as her (8 Christmas trees, presents everywhere, dishes.... the whole 9 yards) well now that I have my own baby, I'm so evicted to decorate for Christmas... :/ I know it's gonna get crazy!!
  • I'll let my kids believe until they start asking questions. Then I'll explain that Santa is part of the magic of the season.. that doing nice things for people makes them happy and its important. My MIL is super crazy about Christmas/Santa.. we still get Santa gifts at her house (even my 45 yo BIL!). Her Christmas eve traditions are so special and I still kinda believe because I just don't see how she does it all!
  • I want my kids to believe in him, Santa is great! I find it silly that people consider it "lying" to kids, it is a wonderful tradition. Kids find out the truth all the time and they dont get mad at there parents for it, and I'm sure they understand why there parents tell them about santa, it is all over this world. I think that kids would be mad at there parents for telling them the truth and not letting them enjoy the season. A 10 year old that finds out that other kids are getting things from santa and doing the holiday traditions will feel left out and upset that they never got to enjoy the fun of it. I think the kid will grow up feeling like they missed out on something in life that everyone else did.
  • Santa is fun! Trying so hard to fall asleep so he could come and waking up extra early to see all the presents. I will definitely do it for my son and let him believe as long as he wants. I found out he wasn't real because I was snooping a found my gifts. Well I didn't get them Christmas eve, which is when my mom and grandma give us their gifts. I got them Christmas morning,when Santa came. I was upset but didn't say anything. I found out about the tooth fairy because I found my teeth in my moms room. My brother also found them and put them under his pillow trying to cheat the tooth fairy. Lol. My mom found them when she made his bed. My mom told my brother about santa herself. I'm not sure how old he was but he was so upset. He kept saying, "I can't believe you lied to me for all these years." Lol. But of course he got over it.
  • Funny, I got an pinterest after reading this post and this is what I found!

    Exactly what I was trying to say!
  • Well.. I always knew Santa wasn't real..I'm mean cone one the Easter bunny n tooth fairy n him all write like my mom!
    But.. I guess I really didn't care.. because I didn't believe.
    But w/my kids I'll let them think what they want.. I didn't even teach my son about him he only knew because of what @Máthair said..he knew about him from tv!
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