Truth on Santa
I know it's just Halloween but in one discussion I was reading it mentioned Santa and the fact her friends daughter still believes( sorry can't remember who posted it) anyway I have two questions, first one is at what age do you think it's appropriate to tell them the truth about Santa? And do any of you feel guilty for lying to your children knowing one day they will either find out or telling them? Just made me think of it, and wanted your input!!
I tried to keep my son from Santa but he is fricking everywhere in our society, family will insist on it, as will the media, even the schools!
I say let them believe. I would always have Santa bring the stockings but he never brought presents (except at grandparents' houses lol) I know Victor (9 years) doesn't believe in him anymore but he claims to because, even if it is just in the back of his mind, he knows it is a tradition that makes the adults happy. Happy adults at that time of year are good to have. Santa also comes to our house a week or two before Christmas and drops off a gift, ironically it is always when my inlaws come for a visit. Lol So he definitely has that figured out.
The way I see it if he ever questions me about it I'll tell him the truth and point out that believing in Santa made him happy and that was a good thing. Or you could keep insisting that Santa is real even after you have grandkids.
as long as you believe you shall receive....
I believed until I had wasn't the fact that I knew Santa wasn't real, it was the excitement of waking up Christmas morning and running downstairs to the tree to see what mom had placed out. I will do the same with Owen... my mother is nutty about Christmas and I swore up and down id never be as crazy as her (8 Christmas trees, presents everywhere, dishes.... the whole 9 yards) well now that I have my own baby, I'm so evicted to decorate for Christmas...
Exactly what I was trying to say!
But.. I guess I really didn't care.. because I didn't believe.
But w/my kids I'll let them think what they want.. I didn't even teach my son about him he only knew because of what @Máthair said..he knew about him from tv!