how soon is to soon to start ttc

edited November 2012 in Pregnant
I have a 1 year old son and i want him to have someone to play with besides his three cousins two are 5 and the other one is 4?


  • Ummm def not too soon :) I mean I guess it depends on how close you want them. We started ttc when our first was 3 months old bc I wanted irish twins and I loved my dr. and wanted to delivery my next baby with him before my insurance switched husbands next summer
  • I started ttc the week my son turned 1 and am now 5 weeks pregnant :)
  • I got pregnant when my oldest was 3 months old. I had a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. So its def not too early.
  • edited November 2012
    I REALLLY wanted to try for number 2 when Malia is 15 months (a month away).. but I sort of dobt feel ready and no option for a 2 bedroom till our lease is up April '14.
  • Thanks ladies alot of people i know keeps telling me its to early to start ttc again because my son is only one. They also say you dont want them to close in age becaue you will have your hands full. Honestly me and hubby wanted to start trying right after our son was born in sept. But was afraid of what family members would say about so we held of ttc until
  • I am nervous about what my family will say too, but I'm an adult and know what i'm doing in the end. Our thinking is that we want to get the tough baby years out of the way, and we want our kids close in age so they are close. If YOU feel ready then go for it!
  • Girl, you do what's best for your family. Don't worry about what anyone else says! My kids are 3 1/2 yrs apart but that's what we were comfortable with. If your ready, go for it!
  • My baby won't be 1 till the 10th and we have been TTC for 2 weeks now. I want them close in age as well. Go for it!! I know I will be exhausted at times but seeing them play and be close will be worth tge beingbeing exhausted :) have fun BD dancing
  • awwww this gives me courage to want another
  • I agree with @sands3 do what u want to do its your family you're body no one else will be raising the kids so why should anyone get an opinion your child your life! Having family to me is number one!
  • I really missed being pregnant. When my daughter was 2 months, we tried and the first month of trying,I got pregnant. :-) so now I have a 1 year old little girl that was born August 12, 2011 and a 3 month old little boy that was born August 7, 2012.
  • I got preggo with #2 when my daughter was 15months I'm due May 10th2013 my daughter will be 2 on May 17th2013
  • My daughter is 13mos and we started ttc when she turned one. If he hadnt been in jail for 6mos from mar-aug, I probably would have been preggo by now lol
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