Question about baby name and sibling jealousy

I am having a boy due in December and My Husband and I are planning on naming him Corwin Scott. We also have a 13 month old daughter named Emeline Georgia. When we chose our daughter's name it didn't really have any special meaning to us. It basically came down to that was the only name we both could agree on. I love the name and am very glad we chose it. With our son, his name isn't necessarily meant to be special. My Husband's Uncle's name is Corwin and my Husband's name is Scott. We again chose this name because we liked the sound of it, nothing more. Do you think our daughter would be jealous later on or feel that she is not special? Should I consider a different middle name for our son? We never see the Uncle, so I don't think that will be an issue. Thanks for your help.


  • I don't think it would ever cause any problems. She is a girl, he is a boy. My husband is not my sons biological father but he is the only father my son knows. My husband has always wanted a jr. I am against this for many reasons, top one being jealously from my older son. My husband and I have decided in our situation it would be best to not make our next boy a Jr. My son is has his biological fathers middle name (which he doesn't even know) and our daughter is named after her grandmas.
  • JMO she might be a bit jealous but you can remind her that her name is special because its hers and she doesnt have to share it ;)
  • @second_time_mommy7 I hope not.
    @armywife7 I was afraid of that. I really don't want her to get jealous. Do you think if we change the middle name she would be okay? I have been with my Husband for 10 years and never met his Uncle Corwin and the first time he talked about him was when I found out I was pregnant with our daughter and we were discussing names.
  • I think so I wouldn't be jealous of my siblings they have middle name that's in the family I don't have middle name I don't care at all. I mean I never really think about its not like our parents went around saying how special their name is everyday.
  • I'm the only one of six kids that isn't named after someone. I think about it a lot, but I wouldn't say I've ever been jealous. If anything, I felt more special because I had an original name.
  • @jules and @lucyloo288 Thank you. Yeah, I don't plan on telling him his name is extra special or anything. They are both equally special. We didn't choose either of them because we wanted them to have a name that ran in the family, so hopefully they will both appreciate their names. I may consider a different middle name just in case, but I do not feel as bad now.
  • I wouldn't think so. My daughter isn't named after anyone but my son is named after both of his great grandfathers
  • @lacy809 Thank you. That makes me feel better.
  • No way! If anything your other family members would be jealous you didn't use their name!
  • My sister is named after my mother and I dont have a family name at all. I've never cared, lol. I got named after a freaking horse! I think it's comical.
  • My daughter is named at me. Yeah I saw it in a baby book but I changed the spelling to where it was like my middle and first name put together. Idk what I would do if I ever have another girl and she grows up and kinda resents me that I named my first after me
  • I named my daughter alinna Jaycee maelynn I loved the name alinna a.d my hubby wanted a Greek name so we did Jaycee and now we r having a son being named after his grandfather who died of lung and bone cancer now 2 years ago I myself didn't want it cause I didn't want my kids to be reminded that they were named after.a family member.who passed or to feel like its there own name but since.I named.our girl he fought me for ybe right on our boy. My hubby too is not the biological father to my daughter @second_time_mommy7 but he loves her unconditionally been there since I found out about being prego with her
  • Im more worried about the jealousy with my 2 kids her feeling replaced even though to me she will always be my little girl cause we r not having anymore kids after r son is born do u feel like that?@Scott_Jessica1stbaby
  • edited June 2014
  • I'm not jealous of my sister and her first name is the same as our grandma and her middle name is the same as our dads just different spelling and my name is just a random name they liked but my sister picked my name out of a list of like 3 names so I guess that kinda makes mine special
  • @leviluv8 Thank you for commenting.
    @molly It is pretty amusing, but only because it does not bother you. I am glad you are okay with not being named after a family member.
    @kayleigh27 I understand completely. That is difficult.
    @lilloulou I don't think she will feel replaced. We are also done after our son is born. I don't want her to think that we care more about our son than we do her because his name comes from someone in the family and her name doesn't.
    @salasmommy I am glad someone understands how I am feeling, although your situation is more difficult. Middle names aren't used to often, so maybe it isn't so bad. At least you went with Steven and not John. I think the J and M is a good thing. It still makes it seem like they are both special because they both have Mom and Dad's initials.
    @chelcie89 Yeah, I probably am worrying about this to much. It is pretty common to name the first child after someone. I just don't want anyone to feel left out or unappreciated.
  • My brother is a junior; neither my sister or I were ever jealous of that. I chose very special names for all my babies that have ancestral ties too, but I don't think that's required for each child. Your daughter's name is special in and of itself simply because it's the one, single name you and her daddy both loved - so it was meant to be her name. :)
  • @ourlittlenugget Thank you. I do feel her name is special. I just didn't know if she would agree. I think I am set than. Definitely going with Corwin Scott.
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