Congested for over a month? what could it be?

My 1yr old has been congested for over a month and I don't know what to do. When I took him to his 1yr check up it had been about 3 weeks and his doctor just brushed it off but its starting to really worry me.

He has no other symptoms, well when it first started, I'd say about a month and a half ago it started with a fever but that went away. It gets worse at night and I can tell he has mucus by the way it sounds. I do all the supportive care like cleaning his nose out every night with saline drops and he sleeps with a vaporizer.

Any body have any ideas to what this could be? What should I do?


  • edited November 2012
    I am going through the same exact thing! My daughter has been congested and coughing for over a month now. She had a week that she had a fever and I've brought her to the doctor twice and they just said oh its just a cold nothing to worry about but it was effecting her sleeping eating and she just looks and sounds so sad at night when she is coughing. She is starting to do better but still has the cough and congested sound when she breaths sometimes. So I'm no help sorry but want to know what to do too!
  • edited November 2012
    Lily was the same way and since I have bad allergies, her ped suspected she does too. Her eyes were continuously watery and draining and she was very congested. She prescribed her claritin and it's been a difference between night and day. She sleeps better and can breathe.
  • @mijita I suggested allergies to his doctor too but she said he is too young too have then which I know is not true. I have bad allergies myself as well. He doesn't have watery or itchy eyes though. But then again if it was allergies would it cause the sound of mucus coming from his chest?

    @lilliansmom I hope we can figure it out soon bcuz I hate knowing he can't breathe through that little nose, poor babies!
  • edited November 2012
    He's just building his immune system ;-) sorry, I just read your other rant post and couldn't resist!

    Can you try an expectorant to help loosen the phlegm? Similisan makes a homeopathic one safe for little ones. Also a nosefrida to help clear his nose. :-)
  • Lol^^

    yea I would say allergies too.. once my son was sick for a few weeks.. well turned out it was allergies.. and when Kayla was only a few months old our pediatrician told us she had them too.
    I'm glad it was allergies because I had a friend that like to blame everyone for everything and when her daughter got sick was always someone's fault! Tried to blame my son -smh!
  • @ourlittlenugget Ha...ha...ha :p Building his immune system for a month straight he better have an immune system of steel!

    Thanks for the suggestion, I might just try that

    @nameless are they taking anything for the allergies?
  • Teething, allergies, ear infection. Idk.
  • @sands3 Teething can cause congestion? I mentioned a possible ear infection as a cause to his doctor and she said "if he had an ear infection he would be miserable and you would know"
  • edited November 2012
    That's not necessary true about ear infections. Jack has had 3 in the past 2 months. He's perfectly fine during the day, just wakes up alot crying at night the first night it hits him. He has never had a fever due to it. This past time I knew because he got congested and his eyes were very gooey. I've heard teething can cause some congestion, not positive on that though.
  • ^^ Agreed! My mom didn't know I had an ear infection as a baby until I wound up with a perforated eardrum because I wasn't acting miserable at all. You're definitely asking all the right questions, Mama! :-)
  • Nothing for my 1yr old but my 5yr old he takes zrtex(sp) and singulair he had to take both everyday..but just not lately
  • @ourlittlenugget I keep wondering if I should switch doctors or go for a second opinion, this doctor is still a resident and I am not 100% sure of her knowledge on things yet. I remember when my son was younger he went through a time that he was always constipated and I asked hEr about rice cereal and she said it was ok for him to eat ANY type of cereal to which my response was "oh I read rice cereal can make the constipation worse" and she was like "oh no, you can give it to him" so she comes back a few min later saying she checked with the main doctor and I was right!
  • Oh! Yeah...I'd be pedi shopping for sure after that. Sounds like she's definitely not in tune with the little ones and what they need. Good thing you notice stuff like that. Yikes!
  • My daughter had a double ear infection and I had no idea!
  • @MorgDeeBee that's how it was with Jack his first one. I took him to the Dr and they said he had a bad double ear infection. Now it won't clear up :(
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