It's 9:20 a.m.
And I already want to kill someone... I quit smoking today and don't think I could have picked a worse day. I woke up with a toothache this morning so I laid back down for a "few" minutes and woke up 2 hours later. My son had missed the bus and by the time he ate and I drove him to school he was tardy. Which bothers me so badly, I wanted my kids te have perfect attendance. I get home from taking my son to school and My daughter is upstairs in her crib screaming while her dad sleeps next to the monitor. He is on vacation and we agreed that for three day I would completely watch the kids while he is edgy from not smoking and then he would do the same for me. Now its my turn to quit and he is not holding up his half of the deal. Sorry so long just needed to vent.