Porn - this will probably offend you.

I don't want to start a debate however there is something I don't understand.

I know so many women who are offend, insulted, and disgusted when men view porn. I've talked to many women who flip out on their significant other when they catch them watching porn. Not lying about the porn (I understand that) but actually looking at it. I know there are women here with that opinion.

I don't understand it but whatever; your relationship, your life, none of my business.


WhyTF are you reading books like 50 shades of grey and watching movies like Magic Mike (or whatever it is called)? Seriously isn't it a double standard?

This isn't directed to anyone here. I over heard a girl whining to her friend about finding porn sites on her bf's phone history while holding a very worn out and overly bookmarked copy of 50 shades... I pointed out the irony but she refused to answer my question and started to complain about me to her friend.

Lol At least I got her bf a moment of rest.


  • I totally agree with you. 100%!
  • Preach it sista! Totally agree!! Im one of the women thats fine with porn. Idc at all. But when my news feed on FB was covered with Magic Mike and 50 shades statuses I couldn't help but post a status about the double standards!
  • I don't think a book or a movie about strippers is ANYTHING compared to porn.....just my opinion.
  • To be fair porn does not bother me either. My partner watches it and iv never understood the big deal really. But your right there it is a double standard.
  • Total double standard! I don't understand the porn thing either tho...I read that book..and it's just as graphic as a porn...maybe not visually, but imaginatively...
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  • edited November 2012
    I tell my hubby to watch porn. I personally think it's healthy for the male libido. I'm very comfortable with my body and my relationship and don't feel it replaces the love and intimacy present in a relationship.

    Thank you for pointing out this double standard. I think many miss this fact!
  • Yep..If all the husbands and boyfriends ran out to see a movie about strippers starring girls like Megan fox and Jessica alba, all hell would break loose with the women. I'm too young to remember, but I wonder if that's what happened when strip tease came out lol..
  • hahahah omg you are so right .

    I dont mind porn, i like watching it my self, not too often .. but i dont get mad over it.
    if he was hiding it then i would be pissed but as long as we watch it together and we both enjoy it, why not.
  • When women are reading a book or watching a movie we're not hiding it! I think if the porn is done behind someones back than yes, there is a problem! I don't see double standards if both are aware.
  • I love porn and think it is a healthy and normal part of humanity. Of course there can be addictions, as to anything else. I watch porn all the time. So does BD. Doesn't bother me a bit :)
  • edited November 2012
  • I don't have a problem with a man watching porn when I am with them. But I can see both sides as to why a women might. I would think (and I may be wrong) but maybe they think like "what is wrong with me that they need to watch it" type thing. Idk just the way i thought of it. I can see how reading those books and going to see that movie is kinda the same as porn too. I think men like that we read those books and see the movie though because it gets us in the mood :p
  • Lust is lust and I agree.:)
  • Im gonna play devils advocate re the 50 shades thing, although i totally agree about Magic Mike ( didnt see it, not my cuppa tea) BUT when I read 50 shades, it turned me on for my hubby, god i was like a b#t*h on heat for him. Whereas hubby can watch porn and finish himself, and not want me at the end of it. I think thats a lot of the problem with women who dislike it, it can make you feel left out, especially if hes like my guy, who is a 'once im done, im good for a few days' kinda guy.
  • Never read that book but I want to lol I saw magic mike and I was like damn channings wife must have the best sex with him cuz all the moves he did
  • I know this going to sound weird, maybe tmi but i watch porn sometimes. Not as much as the hubby, but i do every now and then.
    I have never read 50 shades of grey or watched Magic Mike and probably never will so i can't give my 2 cents on that.
  • ^ porn watcher. lol
  • @caroline8_p i think i started watching when i noticed that the hubby did too lol. I mosty watch it with him, i guess i do it because he enjoys it.
  • You can not compare 50 shades of grey or magic mike to full on porn...not comparing apple's to apple's.
  • edited November 2012
    It doesn't bother me
  • Um maybe I'm a weirdo but porn turns me on! Haha my hubby watches it occaisionally but doesn't really hide it, he's works out of town so much that I'm comforted to know he's watching porn while he's away rather than cheating I guess! Lol
  • We both like porn, watch porn apart and seperately... Its a turn on and I rather him jacking himself them someone else doing it for him!! Plus he only does it when we can't do it or if I cant for some reason...
  • I havent (but want to) read the books or seen the movie. But my husbsnd does look at porn on occation. Not as much now as he used to but I dont mind, I even watch it with him sometimes. It gets us both going. Lol. So I guess im one thats weird and doesnt care lol. But I totally see the double standard thing. Lol.
  • I haven't read or watched them either but from how they were described to me, sometimes in *graphic* detail, there didn't sound like much of a differentiation between those two and actual porn. Maybe not hard core mass orgy gang bang porn but a TYPE of porn. Like soft core porn, that shows everything but actual penetration. Last I checked media featuring bondage and sexual intercourse was porn. Well at least to me it is. Whether it is just to be used to put you in the mood or for you to 'finish' yourself.

    For those of you who don't see it as porn what would you describe it as?
  • I only have an issue with porn, heck, strip clubs too, because my ex of 3 years was addicted and it ruined me and our relationship. So, I am very sensitive to it. I only read 50 shades because a group of friends was and we were doing a group discussion on it. I hated the books. I see no point in smut, porn, erotica, strip clubs, etc.
  • I could careless of hubby watched stuff!
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  • I agree with you to a point. I've been on both sides of the porn line. In my current marriage I don't get upset when he's watched porn. With my ex husband when I found out he did I got pissed and instantly started yelling! Here is the now husband does not let it change our marriage and he doesn't let it affect us or interfere at all. He's never not had sex with me to go look at porn, and he's never watched porn after we had sex. ex husband...we would have sex and he would go downstairs to watch porn. He would deny me and then later go watch porn. He would look at it constantly and he debit affect the marriage horribly.

    I think it depends on what kind of marriage you have and if your spouse is letting it affect the marriage or not as to how the other person is going to react.

    As far as 50 shades being similar to is similar...minus the visual stimulation it's almost the same thing. Magic Mike isn't compared to porn because there are no raunchy detailed constant sexual endeavours and encounters that stimulate you as porn would. I agree that if you're getting terribly upset at your spouse for watching detailed endeavours, then you shouldn't be reading about them. That's like being mad at your husband for having cam sex with someone else but you, while you're having phone sex with another person but him.
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